Page 107 of Every Version of You

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The next hour passes faster than I can process. Cora and I each mingle more with our respective crowds, but we still manage to find each other and giggle at the elegant chaos. Rafael stays close to me, one hand placed on me at all times.

We told everyone the good news of our relationship a few days after we made it official. I’m glad we did because telling them at an event like this would have been pandemonium.

I’m truly touched at the turnout for this. My family is here, the entire Philadelphia Men’s Rugby Team, Cora’s Aunt Shelly was able to bring her mom from the nursing home for a few hours with assistance from the facility. Even friends I haven’t seen in a while like Robyn are here. She had a playoff rugby game yesterday in Maryland, and she still made it. I wish I had more time to talk to her, but she’s keeping busy talking with the other ruggers. Everyone except Isaiah who seems to catch a frown every time she goes near them.

Whatever, his problem.

Rafael and I have a mountain of presents to open, and by the time we’re done, my cheeks hurt from smiling for so long and Raf’s pockets are full of my used tissues.

I’m sorry, but how am I expected not to cry when we’re given tiny socks and matching outfits?

2When everything is cleared away and the room’s chatter finds a natural lull, I stand up from my chair on the small stage and Raf grabs a microphone from one of the staff members. When he hands it to me with a smile, he then pulls out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to me as well.

Looking at Cora, Jay, and Marco sitting next to me, they all give me a nod of encouragement, so I swallow and address the room. “Thank you all for coming. This day has been so incredibly beautiful thanks to you, our family and friends. I’d like to take this opportunity to read a passage from the baby journal my mother kept when she was pregnant with me until I was one. It struck something in me and I, well, I just wanted to share it with you all.”

Unfolding the print-out of her journal entry, I clear my shaky throat and try to calm my nerves by taking a deep breath. “My sweet Angela,” I start, already choking at the words. “Today you are two days old,” I cry. Raf’s hand rubs at my back as he stands next to me, but when I look up at him, he’s unable to fight back the tears, too.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” I whisper to him, dropping the microphone lower.

“I don’t know if I can either,” he says, sucking in a shaky breath.

“Let me, bunny.” I turn my head and in front of me, my dad stands tall, wearing a dress shirt under a sweater and a look of quiet confidence.

Silently, I hand him the microphone as my smile trembles.

“Hello, everyone,” he says. “My name is Neal, and…my wife wrote this.” Rafael hands me another clean tissue as I let go and listen.

“My sweet Angela. Today you are two days old,” he repeats in a strong and slow cadence. “You were surrounded all day by those who want nothing more than your health and happiness. You were surrounded by love. We held you close as family and friends fawned over you, my perfect girl with nothing but peach fuzz for hair and arresting blue eyes.

“I hope you know how much you’re loved beyond today, beyond tomorrow. I hope love engulfs your life. I hope it drives your decisions, amplifies your successes, and heals your mistakes,” Dad says, his own breathing now uneven. “I hope someday you feel what I feel for you. Love, Mama.”

When he turns to face me fully, his body language remains composed, but his eyes spill the truth.

I’m not sure how the sequence of the following moments play out, but the next thing I know, I’m wrapped between my father and Rafael, crying into my dad’s chest. I’m vaguely aware of Marco speaking to the crowd, but I can’t hear him over the sound of my heart thumping.

“I love you, Dad,” I whisper.

“I love you too, Angela.”

When we finally break apart, Rafael nods to him with a sad smile. “Thank you so much, Neal.”

“Just promise you’ll love my grandchildren the same way,” he smiles, making Raf nod.


1. Micaela by Sonora Carruseles, Luis Florez

2. Rainbow by Kacey Musgraves

Chapter 38

December 7th


Istand in the doorway to the bubblegum-pink bathroom and lean against the frame, watching my thirty-seven week pregnant Angel slip an earring in and smile back at me through the 1mirror.

“See something you like?” she smirks.

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