Page 38 of When Kings Bend

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He talks to a couple of men, and I know they’re the ones in charge, as they were in this room when we entered. Each man carries himself like he’s a god. After a brief conversation that I can’t hear over my heart pounding in my ears, Wolf finally makes his way over to me, and before I can react, he kisses me deeply. It’s not a kiss that speaks of love or tenderness. It’s feral, almost animalistic. It’s a statement of possession, his claim on me, and it goes on far too long. I fight the urge to gag, but I hold my breath and let him devour me until he finally pulls away, taking my hand to lead me around the room.

His grip is firm, possessive. “Do you see any that catch your eye?” he asks, gesturing at the women.

My pulse quickens as I scan their faces. Their eyes search mine for any hint of mercy. “My eye?” I ask as if I don’t understand.

I flinch when Wolf murmurs in my ear, "Yes, my sweet, you are choosing today." My stomach knots painfully. This is a new form of torture—forcing me to choose which souls will be dragged into the same hell I live in. It’s bad enough being his, a plaything, a punching bag. I’ve seen the abuse the others endure at the brothel. I’ve had to distract him from hurting the ones who look like me. But now, staring into their frightened faces, I must decide who will join me in this nightmare.

My hesitation is all he needs to feed on my discomfort. I catch the twisted smile curling across his lips before he points to a girl across the room. “I want her,” he announces. But that’s no woman. Her face is too round, her body too slender. She starts speaking quickly in a language I don’t recognize, tears welling in her wide eyes.

Wolf steps toward her. A panic grips me. I glance at the other men in the room, their greedy eyes sizing up the “cargo” instead of seeing the people in front of them. As monstrous as Wolf is, at least I can redirect him when he turns violent. If these women fall into the other men’s hands, there will be no one to protect them. I wish I could walk away or clamp down on the panic that tears through me, but I’m here in this room with the knowledge of what will happen to these woman.

My voice cracks as I announce, "I want them all." I step forward, my gaze fixed on Wolf, trying to appear confident. I won’t let them become victims if I can help it.

A chorus of yelling erupts from the men, a mix of English and other languages. They're gesturing furiously, insisting that this isn’t the deal. Wolf can’t have them all. My pulse races, and I step up to one of them, a man whose eyes burn with anger. I know I need to make my mark; I need to show my authority. Without thinking, I raise my hand and slap him across the face. The sound bounces off the metal walls. All the earlier tears from the woman cease, and the only sound for a second is their audible gasps of shock. I think I’m more shocked myself that Ididn’t notice the man clear the small distance between us.

He grabs my arm and twists it painfully, making me cry out. But Wolf is on him in an instant, his fist smashing into the man’s jaw. Each thump makes me grin. I rub my arm as I watch Wolf throw all his weight against every single punch.

The other man jumps into action. That I hadn’t expected. With only their words, they try to defend their comrade, but they quickly come to their senses when Wolf releases the man he was beating, and his body hits the floor with a heavy thud. Wolf looks at each of them with heavy breaths. He reminds me of a fire-breathing dragon. I shiver internally. I have witnessed what happens when you piss him off. Despite his recent demotion, Wolf still belongs to the Kings, and no one dares to cross them.

To drive his position home, he grabs another man who had spoken the loudest.

I clutch my throbbing arm, watching as Wolf beats the second man into submission, his fists raining down like hammer blows. I should feel relief, knowing that he’s protecting me, but instead, I’m sickened. How long can I keep up this charade, pretending I have any control? How much longer can I bear this reality? How much longer can I stand by and watch so much wrath unleashed on innocent women?

Wolf finally stops and releases the second man, who doesn’t fall to the floor. He clutches his broken nose and races from the room. Humiliation and, I’m sure shock, turning his face red. Wolf glances around the room, and his gaze lands on me, his expression still wild. He stands straighter and fixes his suit jacket before walking to me. He grabs my chin roughly, forcing me to meet his gaze. “You see, my sweet? You needn’t worry. I’ll always take care of you.”

His words are a mockery, a twisted reminder of my captivity. But I swallow my fear and nod obediently. He can’t know what’s stirring inside me.

I cross my arms, forcing a sense of calm into my posture as I approach one girl. She’s on the floor, her wrists tied above her head. Tears stream down her cheeks, but I keep my face a mask of indifference. I flex my foot so that the tip of my shoe tilts her chin up.

"This one is mine," I declare, letting my voice drip with the kind of cold, possessive cruelty I’ve learned from Wolf. "My new toy."

Wolf barks a laugh behind me, his heavy footsteps echoing on the metal floor as he comes up and wraps his arm around my waist. His lips press against my neck, and I shudder as his erection through his jeans against my backside. “Yes. Claim her,” he growls into my ear, his breath hot against my skin.

The man he had beaten groans on the ground not too far away, but I can’t look away from the girl I have just claimed.

Her eyes, wide with fear, stare up at me, and I meet her gaze with a look of icy detachment. I have to play my role perfectly. Right now, I am Wolf’s companion, his equal in cruelty. But beneath the surface, I’m forming a plan.

I glance at Wolf, letting my lips curl into a smile as if relishing the power over the terrified girl before me. But inside, the walls of my mind are already shifting and rearranging. If I can convince him of my loyalty, if I can make him believe that I’m on his side, maybe I can gain enough control to unlock the chains that bind us all.

We’re all in cages, but somewhere, there’s a key, and I’m determined to find it. To hold it. And when the moment is right, I will open every door and burn this nightmare to the ground. I’ll play this part as long as it takes. Wolf’s kiss feels like a branding iron against my neck, and his grip tightens as he presses himself closer.

“You always have the best taste,” he murmurs, his words a snake’s hiss.

I laugh softly, a sound as cold and hollow as I can make it. “Only the best,” I reply, my voice steady.



THE UNIVERSE WINKS at me. Here I am, at Newgrange, a place as ancient as time itself, feeling every bit the intruder in a land of historical whispers. The walk from where we parked, discreetly away from the main site, taxes me more than I'd like to admit. Niamh and Diarmuid, however, seem unfazed by the distance or the chill that clings to the Irish air like a persistent fog.

Keeping pace with them is a matter of pride. Diarmuid, particularly, moves with an effortless grace, a silent sentinel. Despite the load he carries—a pack laden with shovels, picks, and various other tools necessary for our undisclosed activities—he makes no noise. He's wrapped each item in untreated leather, ensuring no metal clinks against another, a testament to his meticulous nature.

Beside me, Niamh strides with a newfound confidence that radiates off her like the dawn. Her chin is up, her eyes bright with secrets and possibilities. Just a few days ago, something changed in her, a subtle shift that brought a bounce to her step and a constant, mysterious smile to her lips.

Curiosity gets the better of me. “Did something happen?” I ask.

Diarmuid glances at us but resumes his silent walk. I know he is listening, and I should wait until Niamh and I are alone, but her energy is like a tug on mine, and I need to know what has changed.

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