Page 15 of When Kings Bend

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Wolf's eyes light up, not with the stable flame of power, but with a wild, uncontrollable inferno—a fire that threatens to consume both bearer and beholder. "Emerald, the stone of rebirth," he declares.

"It's beautiful, Wolf," I say, my voice steady as I run my fingers over the cool, smooth surface of the emerald.

Wolf's eyes hold mine, and for a moment, his voice softens, almost tender. "You have a chance for a new life, Amira. With me. Fuck anyone who comes near us." His words start as a promise, a whisper of new beginnings and a life far removed from the chaos of our pasts.

But as he continues, his tone shifts. It hardens, his speech accelerating, growing angrier and more unhinged. I tense, sensing the dangerous swirl of emotions building within him. This isn't just passion; it's volatility.

"I mean, fuck, we deserve that, don’t we? Fuck, look at your family. Your brother, Dominic, forced to take the shittiest jobs for my family just to get fucking blown away by the Garda," he rants, his voice rising.

"Yes, Wolf. It wasn’t fair. I think we should—" I try to interject, to steer the conversation back to calmer waters, but he cuts me off.

"—then your mum goes fucking nuts. This makes your other brother—Kevin, right? He tries to self-medicate and ends up in a fucking body bag."

His words, meant to stoke a shared outrage, only leave me feeling hollow. "None of that matters, Wolf. I have you now," I reply, attempting to anchor him back in the present, away from the ghosts of our past grievances.

But Wolf's eyes blaze with an untamed fury, unappeased. "WHY?! Because your da' fucked up. That’s it. Your da' fucks up, and your brothers are gone, and you get pawned off to Diarmuid fucking O’Sullivan."

Wolf’s movements are sudden and catch me off guard. With anger in his gaze that I’ve never witnessed before, his hand circles my throat, and my back connects with the wall. The jewelry box falls to the floor.

“Any sin can be forgiven, except for the sin of abandonment. The abandonment of the order will be felt by the wrongdoer for three generations. Edict fucking two! Do you know who left the order?” Wolf’s words roar into my face.

Even if I wanted to respond, I couldn’t, as he squeezes his hand around my throat, taking my breath away. He isn’t drunk. He isn’t high. No, it’s worse. This is pure, uncontrolled rage.

“Diarmuid’s father. Richard O’Sullivan, met his wife and thought he could make it on his own. He left the order, left the mafia, left everything. When he fucking struck out, he came crawling back. ALL was forgiven.”

I hit his hand, but he doesn’t release me. I can barely whisper his name to try and get him to let me go. I’m struggling for air. He’s choking me. Darkness forms in the corners of my vision. His face draws nearer to me, his teeth closer to my ear.

“Forgiven like my father’s killer.” Wolf’s words barely register, but he releases my neck, and I don’t have a chance to suck in air before he forces his mouth onto mine.

His hands run down my body, the touch rough and frightening. I push against his chest, but it’s like pushing against a brick wall. His tongue slips into my mouth, and I clamp my lips together, restricting his access.

His hand lodges at my throat again.

“Open your mouth!” The madness in his eyes should have me obeying. I should obey. Instead, I slam my hands against his chest. I’m shocked when he releases me, but his laughter chases away any relief I feel. A flood of fear chokes me worse than his hands did. He lunges, and the tear of fabric makes me try to piece my dress back together. He’s on top of me again; the force of his body against mine sends me sailing into the wall. The sound is muffled, and I blink to clear my vision.

His trousers are down, his intention clear. My hand strikes his face, and his laughter shatters the bubble of silence. Before I can react, his hand lands heavily on my face. I hit the floor, smashing heavily on my stomach. Not for long, though. Wolf swings me around to face him as he climbs on top of me.

“Get off me!” I roar and spit at him. My saliva lands on my own chin, not deterring him at all.

“You are mine,” he says, wedging my legs apart.

I’m trying to get away, clawing at the floor either side of me, my nails straining—

My body jerks as he slams himself into me. Shock has me limp as he thrusts with a viciousness I’ve never seen or felt before. I’ve been beaten, insulted, but this—

“Noooo.” I claw at his face. He grabs my wrists and slams them on the floor as he continues his animalistic thrusts.

Tears flood my sight, and I’m screaming. Screaming for help. The maids move in the distance, but they quickly turn away.

“No, no, help me,” I sob, my throat aching, but it’s nothing like what’s happening on top of me. I buck only to have him slam my wrists into the floor again, screaming as my bones protest against the abuse.

“Please!” The word trembles and spills from my lips.

He won’t stop.

“Please.” My mind starts to shut down, each thrust rocking my body with pain, pain that is so much deeper than anything I’ve experienced. I don’t know when he stops, but I’m still sobbing, repeating please over and over again.

“Get up.” He runs his hand across his nose before pulling up his trousers.

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