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As we gathered the canvas to assemble our tent, Kaga’s voice broke my train of thought. We’ll rest here for a few days, then, he said, gazing at the moonflower. I can’t wait to see it in all its glory.

“It sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime sight,” I agreed.

The forest floor was soft under my feet as I helped Kaga lay out the canvas. With the tent finally set up, we gathered around the crackling fire, its warm glow dancing across our faces.

Kaga leaned back against a tree, his eyes never leaving the moonflower. It’s incredible, isn’t it? he said. A flower that blooms only under the light of the full moon.

I nodded in agreement, though the flower didn’t look like much now. It must be when it bloomed for Kaga to say that, though.

The night breeze rustled the leaves overhead, and I pulled my bedroll tighter around me. The cool air caressed my exposed skin. The grove seemed to hold its breath, as if nature itself anticipated the moonflower’s grand reveal.

As the fire crackled, I caught the scent of the nearby wildflowers, their sweet fragrance mingling with the crisp night air. I scooted toward Kaga, moving closer and closer until he had to move his arm around my shoulders. “Are you going to tell me what the river showed you?”

Definitely not, he said. These were a little too personal, and I’m not ready to share. If you’d like to share, I’d love to hear what you saw, though.

“When you want to talk, I’ll be here,” I said. Kaga nodded at that and gestured for me to continue. I sighed and closed my eyes, telling him every single detail of the visions the river showed me.

“We can’t give the evil sea witch that pearl,” I said. My shoulders drooped. “I’m sorry, Kaga. I don’t know if I even trust Cordelia with it. I don’t know if we’ll be able to get your voice back at all.”

Kaga tilted my head up, but I refused to look into his eyes. Look at me, Allura.

Reluctantly, I obeyed. He smiled at me, a genuine smile. I don’t care if I never get my voice back. We’ll figure it out, one way or the other.

“I’m sorry.”

It’s not your fault. I knew what I was doing when I traded my voice for our freedom. Your freedom.

He left his seat and inspected the fire. Satisfied, he held out his hand to me. Come, let’s go to bed.

We went into the tent, and Kaga carefully spread out our bedrolls, their softness inviting after a long day’s journey. As I settled in, he lay down beside me, his eyes meeting mine with a tender gaze. He reached a hand up and stroked my cheek, causing my heart to race. Rest well, Allura, he murmured, his voice laced with care and reassurance. He pressed a kiss on my forehead and my eyelids fluttered, my heart thundering. What was this feeling?

A soft smile graced my lips as I replied, “You too, Kaga. It’s been quite a day, hasn’t it?”

He chuckled softly, the sound like a soothing melody. Indeed.

The next few days passed by in a blur. They were neither busy nor languid, but rather perfect. Kaga and I played card games. He taught me his alphabet, and I taught him mine. We ate a ton of rice and fish, adding in a few fruits we found in the trees. Climbing those was an adventure. Squiggles played happily in puddles that formed in the morning, before retreating to his jar for the day.

The storm over the ocean continued to roil, inching closer toward the island every day. We kept a wary eye on it, but it didn’t seem like a threat yet.

Finally, the night of the full moon arrived. Kaga and I sat by the moonflower, waiting for it to bloom, its delicate petals closed tight.

As the moon climbed higher in the night sky, the soft light bathed the grove, as if christening it. The air was charged with an electric energy, and a sense of wonder, tinged with nervousness, enveloped me. My heart raced as I realized that the moonflower’s bloom was moments away.

Kaga’s hand found mine, his touch grounding me as we sat side by side. I watched the moonflower, its tightly bound petals seeming to quiver with anticipation.

Then it happened.

A gentle rustling sound filled the air, like the whisper of secrets being shared. Slowly, the moonflower began to unfurl its petals, one by one, revealing a breathtaking sight. Each petal glowed with an ethereal brilliance, their delicate curves radiating like the moon above, no longer a dull white.

As the moonflower bloomed, a sweet fragrance filled the air, intoxicating my senses. It was a scent unlike any I had ever encountered, both familiar and otherworldly.

The petals seemed to dance in the moonlight, their graceful movements creating a mesmerizing display. It was as if the flower itself came alive, an embodiment of magic and beauty.

Time seemed to stand still as Kaga and I sat in awe.

Kaga’s voice broke the spell of silence that had enveloped us. It’s breathtaking, he said softly, his eyes fixed on the blooming moonflower. Even for the second time.

I could only nod in agreement, my heart full to the brim with emotion. It was a sight that words could never fully capture, a moment that would forever be etched in my soul.

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