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They launch into the story, taking turns telling their version, until I can piece it together. Their words weave a picture of a desperate decision made under the influence of a malicious sorceress. By the end, there is no doubt Airalin tricked them into giving me up. She will go as far as she needs to in order to get what she wants.

More tears stream out of Dreselda’s eyes as her hands tremble in mine. “I’m so sorry. If we had known better, we would have found you. I can’t believe in all these years, we didn’t think of it.” She gasps, her hands flying to her mouth again. “Oh my. I’ve been rattling on this whole time, and I didn’t even ask your name. We didn’t get a chance to name you before—well, you know.”

I smile softly, trying to ease her guilt. “It’s okay. I’m glad to know the whole story. Airalin named me Rapunzel, but I prefer Penny.”

Her smile radiates warmth and acceptance. “Penny, what a beautiful name. And who did you bring with you, Penny?”

“This is Raúl.” I debate giving more information, but a subtle shake of Raúl’s head cements my decision to keep my mouth shut. You can’t unsay what’s been said. Dreselda’s gaze shifts between us, curiosity flickering in her eyes, but she doesn’t voice her questions.

“We’re so glad you’re here,” says Jeremiah, his tone filled with sincerity. “Over the past few weeks, we’ve started remembering more of what happened before you were born. And the horrible time after.” He shakes his head, frowning. “It’s my fault. I never should have gone in her garden.”

“No,” says Raúl, his voice firm. “Knowing that witch, she tricked you into it, preying on your love for Dreselda. I guarantee it.”

“She also told me if I stayed, you would have been attacked by other mages or witches in search of me,” I say. “I don’t know how much of that is true, though, knowing Airalin.”

Jeremiah nods, not looking entirely convinced. Dreselda cuts in, saying, “Tell us about your life. How was growing up? Were you happy?”

I share a bittersweet smile with Raúl, his presence anchoring me as I delve into my past. The weight of unspoken pain and a longing for love underscores each word I speak. Dreselda cries some more, and so I distract them with small glimpses into the few bright memories I have treasured in my heart. The moments I held onto tightly amidst the darkness.

Their eyes never leave me, their hearts breaking and healing with each passing moment. While I’m talking, the little girl who answered the door before comes up to Dreselda. “Nana, I want to go to bed.” She collapses onto Dreselda, who gathers her up in her arms.

I watch the scene before me with a strange feeling in my heart. This girl is my niece. Uncomfortable, I stand up. “I’m sorry to keep you so late. We need to be going, anyway.”

Dreselda’s eyes widen, panic flickering across her face. She reaches a free hand out, clinging to me, unwilling to let go. “Please, Penny. Please don’t be a stranger. You are welcome here anytime, any day. You have even more family to meet, after all. Oh, all your brothers and sisters and their children. Even their children’s children.”

I stand in the doorway and smile. “Of course I’ll be back. I’d like to get to know my real parents. My family.”

Dreselda’s tears flow freely, and she pulls me into a tight embrace, holding me as if she’s afraid to let go. I awkwardly pat her back until Jeremiah joins us and pries her arms off of me.

“I promise I will return,” I say. “I want to get to know all of you. You’re my family.”

They both stand in the doorway, watching, and I wave goodbye. They continue watching until I am on the portal stone, and I wave one last time before the mysterious magic whisks me away.

We stand outside the vampire castle, but I hesitate before going in. Raúl stops walking and turns around, facing me. “Are you okay, Penny? I know that must have been hard for you.”

I shake my head. “It was exactly what I needed. I’m both glad, and sad, they’re remembering what happened. Sad for their loss, happy that I have a family that knows me.”

“What do you want to do now?” Raúl asks, a cheeky grin on his face.

“I want to visit the five queens tomb once more,” I say, determined. I wanted to talk to Queen Selene and see if she had any answers about this vampire ritual. She must know something.

Raúl nods, and we step on the portal once more. Once we are in the mountains, Raúl wraps an arm around my waist, flying toward the tomb. “This is much easier than the first time,” I say with a grin. “My feet were covered in blood by the time I arrived.”

He winks down at me. “Anytime, Penny-love.”

Raúl sets me down in front of the tomb, hovering above the rocks. I put my hand on the wheel and start turning it, pushing the door open. Before entering, I look up at him. “I’d like to do this myself.”

Raúl grimaces, but agrees to let me in alone, anyway. He picks up a torch from the side of the tomb and lights it, handing it to me. After squaring my shoulders, I head inside.

The tomb looks just as it did last time, and I put the torch in a holder by the door. In the low light, I read the inscriptions and say exactly what I said last time. It doesn’t take long for Queen Selene to appear in front of me.

“You called?” she says dryly. Then she taps her chin and walks closer to me, examining me from head to toe. “Something is different.”

“I tried the ritual to turn me into a vampire,” I say. “It didn’t work. What went wrong?”

Queen Selene smiles slyly, the fire casting shadows across her face. “Of course it didn’t work.”

Frustrated, I grip my dress. “What do you mean?”

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