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I open my eyes and stare into his. Slowly, he peels off his clothing, and my mouth drops. I knew he was muscular, but this is much better than I ever imagined. I stare unabashedly at his rippling muscles, and he grins knowingly at me. His scar continues down his body, wrapping around his legs to his feet. I reach out for him, beckoning him to me.

Naked, he joins me on the sofa, body hovering over mine. “Tell me if it hurts too much, and I will stop.”

I nod, knowing I’d die before letting him stop. At first, I wince at the pain, but soon our bodies move in a rhythm together. The friction drives me mad, and the tension in my body climbs higher and higher.

Raúl stares into my eyes, as if waiting, still moving his body against mine. His red eye flashes. Suddenly, the tension releases, and I cry out. When the sounds escape my lips, he moves faster and faster, until his cries join my own.

He collapses on top of me, then immediately rolls over, cradling me until we are side by side. Stroking my back, Raúl stares into my eyes, a tenderness in his own.

“How are you feeling?”

I snuggle closer and bury my face into his chest, barely even noticing a lack of heartbeat. “Wonderful.”

His laugh rumbles through me, and I smile against his skin. We lay there, relaxing against each other, and I tell him about my time with Helena. His hand continues to move up and down my back, tracing circles and designs across my skin. I love the closeness I feel with him right now. He tells me a story about the time he and Henry went searching for dragons up north.

“Dragons are real?” I say, my voice filled with wonder.

“Yes. We couldn’t find them before we were called home, but they’re out there. I see them at night sometimes, their wings outlined against the starlight.”

“I want to see a dragon,” I say.

“Someday,” he says. “We’ll find them together.”

I snuggle closer, simultaneously trying to warm up and get closer to Raúl. I shiver when I move.

“You’re back is freezing. Let’s get you warmed up,” he says softly. He stands up, bending over the sofa and slipping his arms under me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he carries me to the bathroom, my braids trailing after us.

While holding me up with only one arm, Raúl turns on the faucets. When the water is filled, he lowers us both into the tub. I wince as the heat burns my skin, and he immediately lifts me out. “Is it too hot?”

“Yes. I can fix it, though. Let me touch the water.”

He obeys, and I use my magic, uttering a quick spell to turn the bath to a perfect temperature. Raúl sits back down in the tub, his eye filled with awe. “Temperature control now? Your powers are growing.”

I move the water with my hands, creating ripples that flow toward the edge. “Yes. I plan to cut more hair soon to build my reserve.”

Defeating Airalin had taken all the magic in my little storm, and I never wanted to be in that position again. I want to have as much of a reserve as possible.

Raúl pulls the soap closer and starts to lather my braids. “An excellent plan.”

He starts to massage my shoulders, moving down my body, and I moan. His hardness presses against my back, and I tremble in delight. “I thought it takes a while to be ready again?”

“Even for humans, this is long enough.” He growls low, teeth scraping against my neck. “But it does not matter. Do you forget? I am a vampire.”

For the next hour, he and I don’t leave the bath, and he shows me just how powerful a vampire can be.

Chapter Fifty-Four

We sleep through noon, curled up beneath Raúl’s soft, silky sheets. Raúl leaves me before dinner to meet with Henry. He plants a gentle kiss on my forehead, smoothing his hand down my hair. A smile spreads across my face as he leaves the room, overwhelming happiness filling me.

I know exactly what I feel for Raúl, the words rest in my heart. A sliver of fear accompanies the feeling, though, as I debate voicing it. I cannot help but wonder if Raúl feels the same, even when all signs say he does. At least, according to the romance books I’ve devoured since being here.

The door opens again, but I stay in bed, not wanting to get up quite yet. “Raúl?” a voice calls from his sitting quarters. I recognize the voice and wrap the sheet around me, poking my head out.

Helena stands by the sofa, her hands on her hips, eyebrows drawn together. “Helena,” I say. “He’s with Henry.”

Her eyes widen when she sees me, looking up and down at my covering. She grins at me knowingly. “Find me when you’re ready, lovely. I’ll be in the dining room. I want to hear everything.”

I laugh in response and close the door, finding my clothing. My dress is slightly wrinkled, but not enough to prevent me from wearing it. I call to Nava, and she settles at my neck under my hair.

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