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“Today is day thirteen.”

I shake my head in awe. I’ve been here less than a week, but somehow time has stopped.

We continue to stare at the package for another minute. Finally, I have enough courage in me to pull it into my lap and untie the string, undoing the wrapping. I grasp the mirror’s handle and hold it up, turning it from side to side. It looks absolutely perfect. No one would ever be able to tell it had once been broken.

“He did an amazing job.”

Raúl grins, his fangs slightly descending. “Yes, he did.”

I look at him, a pang of fear in my heart. “Is he dead?”

He sighs. “No, not tonight. If this happens again, though, I give no guarantees.” He eyes me carefully, with no expression. “How does that make you feel, knowing I must feed on humans to survive?”

I tilt my head and purse my lips. “Honestly? I feel nothing about it. I suppose it is wrong to kill others, but Mother murders without remorse. Any lost traveler who wandered too close to the tower was fair game to her.” I pause, thinking about my next words. “Although I would hope you don’t kill anyone, especially on my behalf. I guess you could say I do not have enough experience to know.”

Raúl quirks an eyebrow. “Enough experience with murder?”

I laugh. “No, sorry. Enough experience with doing absolutely whatever is necessary to survive.”

He leans closer to me, so close our noses are almost touching. “Are you sure about that, Penny? What have you done in that tower of yours to make sure you’ve survived?”

My breath catches as his words hit me in the heart. What have I done to survive? He’s right. How many times did I throw my hair out the window despite the pain? How many times did I cook hot dinners, knowing it might end up burning in my lap? How many times did I bite my lip to prevent an argument, knowing deep down inside the words spilling out of Mother’s mouth were lies?

I grip the mirror harder, and the designs indent into my palm. How many times had I pushed aside my own needs and feelings to avoid punishment? My jaw clenches together. Raúl sucks a breath in between his teeth and immediately wraps an arm around me, holding me close. I drop the mirror and clutch his shirt, burying my face into his neck. My shoulders shake as I silently cry.

“You’re right,” I say when I can speak without sobbing, pulling back from him. “I have done what I had to, to survive.”

Raúl stares into my eyes and brushes away my tears. “Yes, you have.”

I bring my hand up to his scar and run my thumb gently down it. “How did this happen?”

His red eye flashes with pain. “It’s a long story. I will tell you another time.”

I frown in disappointment. I’ve told him plenty about my troubles, but so far, he’s kept all of his at bay. “Raúl, you know you can tell me anything, right? I am here for you, just as you’ve been for me.”

He reaches up and runs a finger along his scar, watching me intently, the indecision warring on his face. Finally, he begins his story. “A long time ago, someone came to our woods when we were resting after a fight with the werewolves. We smelled their anger from the castle.” He frowns. “Julian, my grandfather, was king at the time. He believed we could defeat them, and sent a handful of us, including me, to confront them over by the lake.”

Raúl pauses.

“What happened?” I ask when he doesn’t continue.

He looks at me and smiles sadly. “He was wrong. They destroyed us. They had new powers we hadn’t seen before and left this as a testament to their power and cruelty. I’ve had spies following them ever since, though I lose contact with them at your tower.” His smile turns mischievous. “I never expected to find you in there, though. And what a pleasant surprise it’s been.”

I grin and lean forward, kissing him lightly on the eyelid of his white eye. The mirror slides to the sofa, forgotten. “For me, too. Thank you for opening up to me. I love learning about who you are.” I place another kiss on his eyelid. “Come, let’s get some fresh air.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

After a slow walk in the gardens, we watch the sunrise from the safety of the castle. I exhale contentedly, leaning into Raúl as he tugs me close, pulling my back to his chest. “Do you ever wish you could walk in the sun?”

Raúl’s laugh rumbles through me. “Some days, of course. But I wouldn’t trade being a vampire for it.”


“Yes. I have strength I never had as a human.”

He doesn’t elaborate more, despite my silence. We walk inside, and he heads toward my rooms. Once there, we sit on the sofa and I pick up the mirror once more, turning it around in my hands.

“How do you even use this?” I ask Raúl, hoping he might have the answers I lack. I hand him the mirror.

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