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Night descends, and anticipation fills my heart. I wring my hands, unsure about calling Raúl. What if he doesn’t come, like he said he would? What if he really is a liar like I believed?

Closing my eyes, I lean out the window. “Raúl,” I say, my voice slightly timid and unsure. “I’m sorry. Can you come visit?”

A cool breeze flits across my face. “Milady,” says a deep, timbering voice.

I smile and open my eyes. “Raúl.”

He grins at me. “You called?”

I nod, and the smile falls from my face. “I’m sorry, Raúl. I shouldn’t have called you a liar.” I brush my hands against my skirt. “And thank you for this beautiful dress.”

He bows. “You have every right to say what you believe.” He stands up and smiles. “I knew it was yours when I first laid eyes on it. You look beautiful.”

My face heats, and I wonder why. My hands fly to my cheeks, touching my skin. A strange warmth fills me, leaving me with urges that have no meaning. All I know is that I could kiss him and not regret it. Raúl’s eyes narrow as they zero in on my forearms.

“Let me see your arms.”

I hold them out, tilting my head as I do so. “What’s the matter?”

“Closer, please.”

I walk closer to the window and cross the barrier. Raúl gently grips my wrists, bending his head close. A delightful tingle runs up my arms. “Who did this?” he asks, running a thumb over one of the scars.

Shame fills me, and I cast my eyes downward. I yank my hands back behind my back. “It was that witch, wasn’t it?” he asks.

I barely nod, but he catches the movement. He growls in anger, and I whip my head up to stare at him. For some reason, his anger does not scare me one bit, but I do want to understand the cause.

“Please, will you tell me what happened?”

I turn around and drag the chair to the window. I might as well get comfortable for this. After I am sitting, I look up at Raúl. “Which do you want to know about?”

“The burns first.”

I inspect them, the old burn marks barely visible. I’m surprised he saw them in the first place. “These are old,” I say. “When I was a child, I tried to cut my own hair.” I remember the heat of flames as they stung my arms. I sigh. “It was a long time ago.”

I point to the more recent cuts. “I wore this dress yesterday, and Mother came home. She disapproved of the immodesty since it has no sleeves. These are from thorns on her vines.”

A frown mars Raúl’s face, and sorrow fills his eyes. “You don’t have to stay here, Penny. You’re welcome to come with me.”

I shake my head. “This is my home. Besides, I can’t leave Mother.”

He nods, then changes the subject. “Is that cinnamon I smell?”

I grin. “I may or may not have made you cinnamon rolls.”

Raúl groans. “Woman, you’re going to put me in a sugar coma.”

I laugh and get up to give him more rolls. He eats them one at a time, moaning in happiness. “You are a genius and these are absolutely delicious.”

Pleasure seeps into my soul, and I smile at him gratefully. It’s nice to be appreciated.

Once he leaves, courage fills my heart and I make my way to Mother’s floor. If that mirror tells the truth, I will learn it at all costs.

Chapter Thirteen

Without any trepidation this time, I open the door and step across the threshold, heading straight to the dresser. Not hesitating, I pick up the mirror and stare into it.

There is not enough light, so I open the window and lean out. At first, the mirror is simply a mirror. I’m not sure how to activate it, so I try saying different phrases, such as, “Show me the truth.”

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