Page 12 of Shattered Lives

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Just fucking awesome.

Because I needed two more people to see exactly how fucked up I am.



I’m not even halfway to Tom’s front door that night when Maya bursts out and bounds toward me. I hoist my bakery box over my head and laugh as she flings her arms around my waist. “Easy, kiddo. These cupcakes won’t taste nearly as good without the frosting.”

“I’ve missed you!” She peeks up at me with huge brown eyes identical to Tom’s, though her bone structure matches her supermodel mother’s, with high cheekbones and a perfectly sculpted nose. Her skin is a perfect blend of Chele’s warm chestnut tones and Tom’s ruddy complexion. Copper-colored highlights artfully streak her springy dark curls.

I kiss her forehead. “I’ve missed you, too. Now what’s this I hear about spaghetti?”

She pulls me through the comfortable craftsman-style house to the kitchen. The aroma of tomatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic hangs in the air, and my mouth waters.

“Dad told us how to make the sauce and supervised. It’s been simmering for two hours because that’s how Italian old ladies do it.” I grin at her description. “There’s water heating for the noodles, and Dad watched us make garlic butter and spread it on the bread. When the spaghetti goes in the water, the bread goes in the oven. And Skyler and I have almost finished making salad.” Her voice is full of pride as she gestures around the kitchen.

“Hi, Skyler.” I wave to Maya’s best friend, a petite girl with gorgeous red hair and brilliant blue eyes, perched on a barstool, chopping a cucumber. “Everything smells delicious.”

“Hi, Charlie. What’s in the box?”

“Triple chocolate cupcakes.”

Both girls squeal as the back door opens and sharp toenails scrabble across the floor. A split second later, a massive red dog barrels toward me. I put down the cupcakes and drop to my knees just in time to be pushed onto my backside by an overly-enthusiastic pit bull. Her entire back half wags as she covers me in sloppy kisses.

“Bella, down,” Tom commands as he enters the kitchen. Bella’s butt hits the floor immediately, but she continues to snuffle and lick. Skyler giggles. I push Bella’s big muzzle away from my face before rubbing her loose jowls with both hands. Tom frowns. “I wish I could break her from that. She’s going to hurt someone.”

I shrug. “She’s still a puppy. She’ll learn. Besides, I’m used to it.”

“Whitney hates it,” Maya chimes. Tom’s expression tightens.

“Stay, Bella.” I tell her. Tom reaches a hand down to help me up. I hesitate briefly before taking it. As soon as I’m upright, I automatically tug my hand free, my body tensing. Hurt flashes in his eyes.

Dammit. He’s safe.

I shut my eyes briefly. “Sorry. Reflex.”

I need to learn to relax around the male population in general, but my top priority is to break my ingrained panic reflex with Tucker and Tom. Neither of them would ever hurt me; in fact, I’m certain both of them would do anything to protect me. Despite that, the simplest touch from either of them elicits my fight-or-flight response, and I hate it.

Tom’s face relaxes. “You did great. You took my hand.”

I reach forward and let my fingers graze his wrist, loathing the way my stomach instantly clenches at the contact. “Hey, thank you for earlier today. For being there. It helped.”

He shrugs lightly, smiling down at his wrist where my fingertips sit. “No thanks needed. And look at you. You’re improving by the minute. Good job.”

Maya rolls her eyes. “Dad, you’re using the tone you use when Bella learns a new trick.”

At the sound of her name, Bella jumps to her feet and rockets down the hall toward the living room. A loud hiss follows an angry yowl. “Eddie, settle down,” Tom calls. A black and white blur streaks past us with Bella in hot pursuit before doubling back. Tom sighs at a loud crash.

“I think you lost another lamp, Dad.”

“I think so, too.”

Dinner is delicious. The girls light candles and serve sparkling grape juice in wine glasses. Maya finds a playlist titled “Italian dinner music”, and it’s a perfect backdrop to the evening. Skyler and Maya fill me in on the latest details. School is in that dreadful time after Christmas break but before spring break, and the girls are ripe with complaints. Apparently, snow only falls on weekends (thereby costing them potential snow days), there are too many word problems in their math homework, and the PE teacher is far too excited about wind sprints.

It’s nice to know some things haven’t changed.

After dinner, I insist on doing the dishes. Tom and Skyler take Bella for a walk, but Maya opts to stay and help me. Her reason becomes obvious when I’m elbow-deep in soapsuds.

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