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A smile crosses my face. I’ve missed these interactions with her. From the corner of my eye, I see Penny smile.

“How was work today?” She asks, drawing my attention to her again.

How do I pick the best part of my day when everything about it is perfect? This job is beyond my wildest dreams. I am surrounded by people who understand what I’ve been through, the kids are amazing, and I am getting into the groove of things.

Figuring out how to teach in a way everyone can learn from gets easier every day. Some of the kids learn faster, while others need a bit more guidance. It’s a challenge for me to find ways to help all of them understand, but I’m finding I’m really good at it.

“Work is great, and the kids are the best part of it. I’m working with the beginner class.”

“Is that the easy level?” Evie asks.

“Yes. It’s where they learn the foundations that everything is built upon. It’s not as advanced as the other classes, but it’s not easy by any means. You’re learning a whole new way of thinking and being. Today’s lesson was learning how to hold their breath underwater.”

“Really?” Evie asks excitedly, and I almost laugh at her, except for the fact that I think she’s serious. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to do that, but I’ve never gotten around to it. Can I join your class?”

“Sorry, oldie. It’s for kids.”

“Ouch.” She places a hand above her heart. “But I really want to learn. Is there an adult class?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll ask Patrick to see if we have something or if it’s possible that we have enough interest to get a class going. I have to warn you, though, it’s easier to learn when you’re young. Kids don’t have as much fear about learning new things, but that doesn’t mean adults can’t learn later in life.”

“You’re discouraging me,” Evie says solemnly. “Is it too late for me to learn it or not?”

“It’s not,” I laugh. “I’m just saying it’s going to be a bit harder for you. Some skills are easier to learn as a kid. That’s why the camp exists. I’m sure Penny understands what I’m talking about.”

Evie turns her wide eyes to Penny. “You’ve been to his new job?”

“What? No!” Penny spits out as we both shake our heads no.

“That’s not what I meant,” I rush to explain. “Penny has been through this type of training with her dad, so she understands what I’m saying.”

“Is that what you meant?” Evie narrows her eyes and cocks her head at me. “Because when it comes to the two of you, it’s hard to tell what it is and what isn’t.”

“What?” I sputter, glancing at Penny, who shifts uncomfortably in her seat. Evie continues like she hasn’t just put us on the spot.

“But I’m glad that you’re happy,” she says, her eyes shining with mischief. “Seeing you like this makes my heart sing with joy.”

I smile and shrug. “It’s the job.”

“I was just saying to Penny earlier how Tex and your job have made a huge change in you.”

“Really?” I lean back in my seat and put on an innocent look. “Were the two of you talking about me?”

Penny chuckles. “Look at you getting all full of yourself. We were only discussing your well-being and how your ego is bigger than your head.”

“I see.” I slowly nod my head. “And what about you, Penny? Have you gone back to work yet?”

“Not yet. I have my first shift in the next few days.” She looks down at her shorts and flicks a piece of lint off. “I wasn’t on the schedule for today.”

Conversation stops flowing, and an awkward silence fills the room. There are unasked questions hanging in the air that add to the tension.

Penny rises to her feet suddenly. “I should go,” she says, grabbing her cupcakes and donuts off the table. “Thanks for the chat, Evie. I appreciate you.”

Evie walks around the table to give Penny a hug. “I’m always here, so anytime you want to visit, don’t hesitate to come over.”

“Thank you,” Penny says to her. Then she glances at me. “See you around, Liam.”

“Bye, Penny.” I wave her off and watch her walk out the door as she gives Evie a final goodbye.

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