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Hearing his name, Tex runs over, and lays on his back in front of her. Her laughter rings out, and she obliges by giving him some rubs.

“If it wasn’t for him, I might not be here today,” Penny says so quietly I almost miss it. “He saved my life.”

My stomach drops as the truth of her words hit me. If not for Tex, she wouldn’t be here. My heart races, and my mouth is dry at the thought of losing her forever. But Penny is still here. I watch them play, and feel a smile trying to break free. I bite my lower lip to stop the silly grin from taking over my face. I’m able to stop the smile, but not the words that blurt out of my mouth.

“I got a job.”

Penny glances at me from beneath her lashes, then she smiles. “You did? Liam, that’s great. What kind of job?”

“This is the job I’ve always wanted.” A smile splits my face. “It’s at a wilderness survival camp where I’ll teach kids.”

“No way!” Her eyes widened, and I burst into laughter, finally letting the joy of my new position vibrate through me. It feels amazing to have a sense of purpose again.

“Yes, way!” My smile stretches from ear to ear. “I’m so excited.”

Penny moves across the earth toward me and sits a short distance in front of me. Just at that moment, a breeze blows by, and the scent of jasmine fills me. Her scent intoxicates me, and my chest tightens as I gaze into her eyes. The ease that I’ve always had around her is still present after all these years.

“Tell me all about it,” she gushes. “How did you get it? When do you start?”

“Sean has a connection and I went for an interview today and was offered the position.” My heart lifts at her obvious joy. Happiness oozes from every pore of her being, and I find myself drawn in by it.

“Today?” She asks, as her eyes widen.

“Yes, only a few hours ago.”

“Really?” She clasps her hands together. “Wow. This feels like a dream job for you.”

“I haven’t been shown the entire scope yet, but in general, I’ll be teaching kids and young teenagers survival methods when in the wilderness. Once I start, I’ll learn more about what exactly I’ll be doing. But I know that my search and rescue skills from the military will help me, too.”

“Oh, gosh.” Penny flings her arms around my neck and hugs me. I feel my body tighten momentarily before I pick my arms up and hug her back. “This is wonderful. Liam, you’ve always wanted this.”

Yes and no. It’s what we have always wanted.

I loosen my arms around her, and she slowly pulls away. When she meets my gaze, I see that she remembers it was our dream. The air is heavy, as neither one of us mention it.

“Maybe one day, when I’m settled, you can come and visit me at work.”

Did I just say that? I groan inwardly. Why did you say that?

Penny gives me a side glance with a small smile. “I would like that.”

“Should we rest a little before returning to the base? It’s getting hotter, and I don’t have enough water for Tex.”

“Probably a good idea.”

There’s a far off look in her eyes, and I have a distinct feeling she’s thinking about me getting the job we dreamed of having together.

Penny’s dad loved the outdoors. He gave both of us his passion and respect for all that nature has to offer. Suddenly, a particular memory of our time together stands out to me. It was my first experience with poison ivy.

Peter was showing us the difference between rocks when I picked a leaf off of a vine and fiddled with it. Minutes later, I started to itch my arm, and it wasn’t long before red rashes appeared. In his usual carefree manner, he explained all about poison ivy and how it can affect you.

“Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt. As long as you aren’t allergic.” Which of course I just happened to be.

My time spent with him and Penny makes up some of my core childhood memories. It’s because of Peter that I want to be that kind of inspiration for another child.

Maybe even a father like that to children of my own.

That thought catches me off guard, but I feel the yearning of wanting to be a father deep in my soul. I want to be a father with this woman.

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