Page 66 of Filthy Liar

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But maybe the payout has come. Maybe the path to it was just a little more south seeking and laced with Red Bull and Snickers bars than I initially thought.

Helena lifts her brows at me, expression serious. "Only if you're sure."

"I’m positive." I nearly rock in my seat with excitement as we go back to eating our breakfast, spitballing ideas about the event and the launch as the breeze blows.

We've just narrowed down ideas for a venue, when my burner cell phone starts to ring. There’s no number displayed, only the word UNAVAILABLE in capital letters. I frown at the screen. "That's strange."

It's a relatively new number though since I got the phone on my cross country journey, so it could be someone calling for the previous owner. Or it could be Fynn. Maybe his work phone number doesn't show up.

Or maybe something’s wrong.

That thought has me swiping the screen and pressing it to my ear, answering it as my heart starts to race, fear for the husband I’m growing more and more attached to making my delectable breakfast roll like lead in my stomach. "Hello?"

"Hello, daughter."

I have to swallow to keep everything I just ate from coming right back up. The skin on my face prickles, growing cold despite the warmth of the air. "How did you get this number?"

"Don't ask stupid questions." My father's voice is just as cold as it's always been, but now it's also filled with disgust. At least he's not trying to manipulate me. I guess there's that. "But I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less, considering how stupid you've been acting."

I'm trying to breathe. Trying not to throw up. Doing whatever it takes to stay upright. All of those things are taking just about all my brain power, so when I open my mouth to respond, the only thing that comes out is a squeaky sort of noise that no one would consider even close to being a word. I swallow, working my tongue through my dry mouth before opening it to try again, but I'm just pulling in the air to speak when my phone is yanked away.

I turn to find Helena pressing it to her ear, a calm, almost bored look on her face. "Who am I speaking to?" One brow slowly lifts, but she doesn't look my way. "That was a lot of words when one would have sufficed." She lifts her free hand, looking over her nails as if she's having the most tedious conversation in the world. "I'm not sure who informed you it was acceptable to speak to a woman that way, but I can assure you they were mistaken." Her chin lifts, the sound of her voice strong and commanding as she continues. "I will be more than happy to convey our conversation to my son. I’m sure he will be more than eager to return your call and discuss your treatment of his lovely wife." She pulls the phone away from her ear and disconnects the call, setting my cell on the table between us before turning to me. Her smile comes back full force, as if nothing just happened. "Now, where were we?"



"I'D LIKE FOR you to take a deep breath before I tell you something." My mother's voice is off. Her tone more clipped than usual.

"Are you well? Should I ring the doctor?" I start collecting my things, preparing to rush out the door. Brian will have to reschedule my afternoon. If anyone has a problem with it they can sod off.

"I'm fine. Actually, I'm feeling remarkably good today." She pauses. "All things considered."

My movement stills, eyes narrowing as I try to deduce her meaning. "What exactly are all things?"

"You still haven't taken a deep breath."

"And I won't until you tell me what is going on." My day has already been chaotic. Now that Rogers is back in play, I've been left scrambling to tie up any last-minute details on our deal, preparing to rush it through just in case he attempts to get cold feet again. "Just tell me."

My mother sighs, and it sounds more exasperated than anything. "Your darling wife received a phone call today from a gentleman I'd prefer we insure is never a part of her life again."

I'm back to packing everything into my bag, shoving items in without caring where they end up. "Who?"

"It sounds like you already know the answer to that question."

I can narrow it down to one of two people, but I don't want to concern my mother with those details. "What did he say?"

"Something about her decision to marry you costing him dearly." Her tone sharpens again. "I also overheard him call her stupid, which is when I intervened."

I'm unsurprised that my mother inserted herself. Especially given the circumstances. However, I don't need her tangled up in this mess. "I assume you have a phone number?"

She snorts. "Of course I have a phone number. I told him I was positive you would be getting in touch with him to discuss his treatment of your darling wife and requested he send it because I’m not his bloody secretary."

"There's nothing I would love more than to discuss his treatment of Valerie." I grab a pen, writing down the number she gives me." I lean back in my chair, weighing my options. I don't want to make this call from my mother's apartment. I want both of the women in my life as far from this as I can get them, but I also don't want to leave them alone now that it's clear her father has managed to figure out where she is. "Can you ensure Valerie doesn't attempt to leave? I don't want her to step foot out of your apartment until this is resolved."

"That shouldn't be a problem." My mother's voice has gone back to its normal, soft sound. "She's got all the information and materials for my new line of caftans spread across the sitting room. She's helping me plan a launch party." My mother's voice carries a hint of a smile as she continues. "Once that’s figured out, I'm going to have her help me organize a party announcing your marriage."

"Wonderful. Whatever keeps her busy and inside." I prepare to hang up but pause. "Make sure The Providence caters it. She loves their lamb chops."

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