Page 59 of Filthy Liar

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I just might be a little more concerned about his safety than my own.

I hurry down the sidewalk, making sure to look all around me for any sign one of the people milling about has nefarious motives, but there is no one even glancing my way. The day is completely normal and the people on the street are unremarkable.

Thank goodness.

In under ten minutes, I'm rushing into Fynn’s building and hurrying onto the elevator. It’s packed, so I scoot into the front corner, keeping my face forward so hopefully no one recollects my appearance here. As soon as we reach his floor I hurry out, striding down the hallway to make what I hope appears to be a casual walk past Fynn’s office. The main door leading into the space is fully glass, so I can easily see inside. All I need is a little glimpse of his very attractive, hopefully equally alive, self. Then I will go right back to his mother’s place and pretend this never happened.

I hurry past, sliding my eyes toward the glass, but I’m moving too quickly and the men inside end up being kind of a blur. One of them looked to be about the right height and build to be Fynn, but I'm not positive.

And I need to be positive.

Just as I'm slowing to pivot, I catch sight of another woman behind me, only she doesn't pass Fynn’s office. She stops directly in front of it, flings the door open and yells at the top of her lungs.

"You fucking prick!"

She's already most of the way through the door, so I barely catch a glimpse of her, but there isn't a doubt in my mind who the woman is. And it pushes me right over the edge of reasonable and into too stupid to live territory.

Except at the moment I'm not only stupid. I'm also pissed. How dare she. Who the fuck does Jessica think she is talking to my husband that way?

I storm back down the hall, following her straight into Fynn’s office, crossing the threshold as she rushes his way. I'm right behind Jessica, ready to lay into her and give the woman who dragged him into the gutter a piece of my mind, but then I see her hand swing back, palm aimed at the side of my handsome husband's perfect face.

I see red. I don't think. I don't plan. I just react.

And my reaction is to reach up and grab her by the hair on the back of her head, using the hold to yank her backward.


Jessica screams, and the sound is music to my ears. As she stumbles, attempting to regain her balance, I detangle my fingers from her hair and step between her and Fynn, lifting my chin as I stare her down. "Don't put your fucking hands on my husband." The venom in my tone is as startling as my reaction to seeing Jessica about to slap the man I’m starting to think of as mine. For the first time in my life I feel like a bad bitch. Like a woman who really can take control of her life and her destiny. Like I have finally found the balls and the spine I so desperately want. Like I—

A squeak of surprise comes out of my bad bitch lips as one of Fynn's long arms sweeps around me, spinning me around until I'm face to back with his body. One wide palm pins me in place, holding tight even as I push against him, trying to get free.

"So it's true?" Jessica sounds outraged, and that only makes me fight harder to get out of Fynn’s grip. There's no telling what she's going to try to do to him, and I know Fynn would never lay a hand on a woman.

But I'll lay a bitch out before I let her hurt a single hair on his head.

"A little help?" Fynn takes a step back, hauling me with him as Jessica lunges.

Since I can't get free, I swing one arm around his side, managing to clip her right in the tit, sending her jerking back.

"Val." Fynn's tone is sharp with warning, but I don't care. All I care about is getting my hands on the woman who tried to ruin him. I know I should probably be thanking her for bringing him to my doorstep, but fuck that. I'm not thanking her for shit.

“This is your wife?” Jessica says it like I’m not worth wiping her shoes on and that only makes me madder. “Is she fucking feral?”

I give up on fighting Fynn. He’s too strong. I can’t get loose. So I glare at Jessica from where I’m plastered behind him, hoping I can piss her off enough to make her come to me. “Come over here and find out.”

I’ve never been a fighter. Thought I was missing that part of the DNA that’s baked so deep into my father’s being.

It would seem I was just lacking proper motivation.

Another man, one who looks way less capable of wrangling an angry woman than Fynn, steps in front of Jessica. He looks ready to puke on his shoes as he stretches both arms out in an attempt to block her in, face sickly pale as he side steps to keep her at his back.

“Brian.” Her tone is low and threatening. “If you don’t move in the next two seconds, I’m going to make sure you spend the rest of your life never getting a reservation at The Providence again.”

Brian—I’m really pissed she knows his name and I don’t—gapes at her over one shoulder. “You monster.”

Is he kidding? Please, for the love of God, let him be kidding.

“I’m not sure what you came here for, Jessica, but I can promise you, you’re not going to find it.” Fynn’s hold on me shifts and I’m being spun back the way I came, feet moving until I’m tucked tight into his side. It looks like he’s simply holding me close, but that’s not the case.

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