Page 51 of Filthy Liar

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Valerie shakes her head, the movement jerky. "No."

I pull in a deep breath, savoring the scent of her skin. "Good." I curl the digit buried in her body, dragging it against her front wall as my thumb settles onto her clit. "Tell me, wife, what would I have to do to get rid of those condoms in our nightstand?"

I don't mind using them. Have relied on them on every sexual interaction I've had up to this point. But there is nothing I want more than to feel my wife’s skin against mine. To watch her face as I fill her. To then fuck her a second time, the slick of our joined spend easing the way.

Valerie's thighs twitch against my wrist. "I'm not on the pill."

I drag my nose along her neck, working a second finger inside her. "I wish that was something I could bear the brunt of, Darling, but alas, pharmaceutical companies know there's more money to be made ensuring eighty-year-old men can sustain an erection than young men being able to carry the weight of procreation."

Valerie's eyes meet mine, pupils dilated. "I can't believe you just said that."

I lift a brow, watching her face as I continue working her closer to the edge. "No?"

She shakes her head, nostrils flaring. "It was really fucking hot though."

I'm unsurprised, and plan to use my new little wife’s love of female empowerment to my full benefit. I'm not going to feel bad about it either, because there's nothing I love more than a woman in her power.

Especially when she chooses to go to her knees for me.

"What if I promise to make your sacrifice worth it?" Her body begins to tremble, and I know she's close. "What if I offer you two orgasms for my one?" I nip at the line of her jaw. "Do my part to close the climax gap."

Valerie's cunt clenches around my fingers as her back arches, shoving her tits toward my face, making me regret that I didn't relieve her of this T-shirt before we started. She comes, gasping my name as her hand yanks my hair so hard I'm sure a few strands now belong to her. I don't stop my steady stroke against her clit, dragging her pleasure out as long as I possibly can until she shoves at my hand, thighs clenching together as she sags against my chest. Her breath is still coming in short pants when her eyes lift to mine, lids heavy.

"I think we have another deal, husband."



“ARE YOU SURE this is going to be okay?” I twist the straps of the purse in my lap, uncertainty making me fidgety.

Fynn looks tense next to me as we pull out from his building’s underground parking garage and I’m pretty sure it’s because he’s not thrilled about where we’re headed. Or maybe he’s not thrilled about the reasons we’re heading there.

Or maybe he’s just pissed about one of the million other things he has to be upset about thanks to my arrival in his life.

"It will be fine. I’m sure my mother will be thrilled to have us there with her." His eyes slide my way. "However, I'd much rather not have to worry about the sounds my wife makes when she comes being overheard."

My skin flushes hot. "We're not going to—"

"We most certainly are." Fynn’s hand slides across the console. At first I think he's reaching for mine, but then it wedges between my thighs, his pinky pressed right up against my pussy. "We've made a deal, and I take it very seriously."

I press my lips together, because, while I am preemptively embarrassed about the thought of fornicating in his mother’s home, I'm also more than a little eager about the terms of our latest agreement. Maybe even more so than the terms of our previous agreement.

Which is stupid, because our previous agreement is what will keep me from going back to Minnesota.

Or possibly ending up dead.

It’s that same possibility that has us on our way to his mother's home. Her penthouse condo occupies the entire top floor of the building she’s in, and the only people who have access to the private elevator are Fynn, his mother, and Nicholas, making it the safest place for me to be for now while Fynn, ‘handles the situation’.

Whatever that means.

The drive is a short one, and in under ten minutes, we’re pulling into her parking garage, taking a reserved spot next to a Bentley I have to assume belongs to his mother. Fynn shuts off the engine and meets my eyes. "Wait for me."

The tension is back in his expression, and realization dawns as he slides from the seat and closes his door. He's not tense because we’re going to his mother's house, or because he has to clean up my mess, or even because he’s not a morning person. He's worried.

About me. About my safety.

I glance in the side mirror, watching as he scans the parking garage before opening the trunk to retrieve our luggage. Nicholas appears from the vestibule leading to the elevator and Fynn passes the rolling suitcases off to him before closing the trunk and coming to retrieve me. He gives the space another scan before helping me out and whisking me to the waiting elevator. Nicholas gives me a warm smile as Fynn punches the button to close the doors, standing in front of them to block the opening with his broad body until they seal together. Then he turns to me, his shoulders relaxing the tiniest bit as he hooks an arm around my waist and pulls my body against his.

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