Page 34 of Filthy Liar

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“ANYWHERE ELSE?” I grip the pen, waiting for Fynn’s attorney to point out yet another spot for me to initial the prenup I’ve been staring at for the better part of an hour.

The older man peers through his readers as he flips through the final few pages. “I think we’ve got it all, Miss Berdard.” His eyes lift to meet mine over the wire rims. “Are you positive you don’t want someone to look this over for you?”

I give him a reassuring smile. “I’m positive.”

His gaze lingers on me for a second, his thoughts written all over his face. He thinks I’m a fucking idiot. But that’s only because he doesn’t know what I’m getting out of this deal. “If you change your mind this can always be renegotiated right up to the wedding.”

I continue smiling. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Not for long because that window he’s referencing will close in under an hour.

After studying me a few more seconds, he finally signs his portion of the document before passing it off to the notary for her endorsement. A little of the tension I’ve been living with since driving away from Minneapolis evaporates when the stamp is punched into the paper. Even more of it slips away when he slides the documents into his folder, tucks it under his arm, and ducks out of Fynn’s office, leaving me alone with my husband to be.

I give him a quick smile out of reflex. I feel different around him after our trial run at his condo yesterday. Shy and self-conscious.

Even though the memory of what I did—what he did—has my cheeks flushing and my thighs clenching.

Fynn’s gaze drifts down my body, following the A-line of the off-white, lace dress I chose for today. “You look lovely.”

A little of my unease softens at his compliment. “Thank you.” I motion to his tailored suit. “You look very handsome.”

I’ve never seen him in a full suit, only slacks and a button up with the sleeves rolled past his forearms, and now I’m torn between the two. Both are equally attractive and both send my belly flipping with anticipation.

Or maybe that’s just him.

I clear my throat when I realize I’m staring at him like some kind of lecher. “It’s nice that your attorney could write something up on such short notice.”

Fynn smiles, tucking one hand into the pocket of his pants. "It wasn't about being nice, Love." He eases back to prop against the edge of his desk. "It was about getting paid an exorbitant amount of money."

That has me chewing on my lower lip, guilt tugging at my belly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cost you—"

"Don't apologize, Valerie." His voice carries a hint of sharpness. "This benefits me as much as it benefits you, remember?"

I nod, even though I'm not sure I agree. "I remember."

I convinced myself we would gain equally, but now I'm not so sure. I get to live in a multi-million-dollar condo overlooking the water. I'll avoid being sucked back into the life I was born into and used, spending the rest of my life unloved and unwanted.

I also get more of what happened yesterday.

Fynn only gets me, and if I can’t repair his shredded reputation, the scales won’t come close to balancing out.

He studies me a second longer before checking his watch. "We have an hour. Would you like to get lunch?"

My stomach drops. I wasn't expecting to be faced with the task of accompanying him in a public place so soon—especially not before we’re actually married—and I'm worried. What if my presence makes things worse? What if he decides there isn't anything in this for him and goes back on our agreement?

Then I’m fucked.

And also unfucked. Both are bad.

But I can't say no, so I managed a weak smile. "That sounds nice."

"Excellent." Fynn straightens from the desk and starts to walk toward the door. He pauses before turning back to face me. "I almost forgot." He pulls a small blue box from his pocket and holds it out to me.

I stare down at it, not quite believing what I'm seeing. "What is that?"

He flips the lid off, before dropping the velvet box inside into his wide palm. "It's your wedding set." A flick of his thumb and the hinged lid opens to reveal the biggest, sparkliest diamond I've ever seen. The center stone alone is impressive, but it's also flanked by a row of equally sparkly diamonds embedded in the white gold band. A second band sits against it, fitting perfectly into place, the inlaid diamonds mirroring the ones on the engagement ring. I stare at it a second before shaking my head. "You didn't have to buy me a ring."

I knew there would be some sort of jewelry between us, but in my head, I just imagined simple bands. There's no reason to blow a bunch of money on a marriage that’s simply for convenience.

Fynn pulls the engagement ring free. "And how would that look, my beautiful bride?" He takes my left hand, lifting it before sliding the ring onto my finger. It's a little loose, but surprisingly close to the correct size. Fynn rubs one thumb along the underside, moving it around. "We'll have to get it sized, but it'll do for now."

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