Page 32 of Filthy Liar

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I like strong women. Love them actually. But I love when they hand control to me even more. I crave it. Have to have it. It is non negotiable. So if Valerie thinks she will ever be the one calling the shots in the bedroom, now is the time for her to learn that’s simply not an option.

But she shows no sign of being bothered by my demand. If anything, Valerie is emboldened by it. Without pause, one hand wraps around the base of me, then her eyes lift to my face and she waits.

Waits for me to tell her what to do next.

"Tighter, Valerie." I continue touching her face, bringing my fingers to her hairline before sliding through the soft strands. My grip tightens as hers does, and I let out a groan. "Perfect. Just like that." I force my fingers to relax, curving along the back of her skull as I hold her gaze. "Now open your mouth."

Again, she immediately does as I command, her plush lips parting, offering me a glimpse of the paradise I'm about to possess.

I love how ready and willing she is to do as I ask. That point alone is enough to have me heavily considering her offer. I know I shouldn't. I know it's a terrible fucking idea to marry a woman I barely know, but I'm going to do it anyway. The lure of restoring my reputation is too strong.

Almost as strong as the lure of having Valerie in my bed every night.

"You'll have to sign an ironclad prenup, Darling. You understand that, right?" I watch her face, looking for any sign of disappointment, but Valerie's beautiful face remains unbothered, her dark eyes fixed on mine.

"I don't want your money, Fynn. Not a single penny of it." Her eyes drop, going to my straining length as the tip of her tongue flicks across her lower lip.

There’s no missing the hunger in her gaze, and it makes me more forward than I would normally be at this stage. "But you do want my cock, isn't that right, Love?"

Her dark eyes come back to my face. "I just want to make sure I can please you. That's all."

I groan at her words. I'm not sure she could have said anything more perfect. "So far you're doing wonderfully." I pull my hand from her hair to wrap it around where hers sits at the base of my dick, tightening her grip. I use our joined hold to tip it toward her mouth as I cup the back of her head with my palm. Tracing the leaking slit across her mouth, my balls pull tight at the glistening trail of the pre-cum painting her lips. “I’m very impressed.”

I'm teasing her as much as I'm teasing myself at this point, gliding the head of my cock over the fullness of her lower lip in slow passes. Without direction or warning, her tongue flicks against my skin, hot and wet and perfect.

"Are you a greedy girl, Valerie?" I make another pass against her lips. "Are you growing impatient already?"

She stares me down as her tongue slides against me again. A taunt. A dare.

And I can't stop myself from taking it. Feeding my length into her mouth, I let out a long groan as I slide against the silky softness of her tongue. It’s been so fucking long since another person’s touched me, let alone swallowed me down, that my balls are already hugging the base of my cock, ready to spill.

I pull away, intending to take a moment to regroup, but Valerie's free hand grips my hip, fisting tight in the loose fabric of my trousers as she leans forward to sink back over me.

I grip her hair tighter, planning to drag her off me, but then she lets out a little moan and it vibrates through her throat and around my cock. When her cheeks hollow as she pulls back, I’m so far gone there's no way I could stop her, even if I wanted to. I was planning to drag this out. Punish her a little for the game she's been playing, but my need to come is greater than my need for retribution.

Releasing the hand still wrapped around hers, I slide my fingers into her hair, pushing the dark strands back from her face so I have an unobstructed view as her mouth continues to slick over me. "That's right, Val. Just like that." I grit my teeth, fighting the urge to come. “Absolutely perfect.”

She lets out a soft whimper at my words of praise then doubles down on her effort to convince me she should have a place in my life. Little does she know I was convinced the second her tongue flicked against my skin, eager and ready.

Eagerness is my number one requirement in a bed partner. Willingness to do what I say is a close second, and so far Valerie possesses both, which is why—along with six months of celibacy—my hand tightens in her hair as I once again attempt to pull her mouth off of me. The hand she’s using to grip my now slippery shaft tightens and she lets out another of those little whimpers, the combination threatening to send me over the edge.

"Unless you want me coming down that throat of yours, you need to back up, Darling." I grit out the warning, holding on to the last shreds of control in my possession.

But for the first time, Valerie doesn't do what I want. The hand at my hip holds tighter as her hot mouth sinks lower, dark eyes lifting to fix on my face as her cheeks hollow. Watching her suck me is almost as good as feeling her suck me, and the added bit of pressure sends me over the edge, thrusting between her lips as my cock jerks against her tongue. The groan that rips from me is loud and long as she continues drawing me down, taking every bit I have to give until I slump against the wall at my back, depleted and drained.

Her mouth finally slides off me, dick still half hard as it bobs against my open pants. Her dark eyes are still on my face—haven't left it since I warned her I was about to come. "Did I pass?"

I huff out a laugh because the question is ridiculous. "With flying fucking colors, Darling." My head tips back against the wall, face lifting toward the ceiling as I continue catching my breath. "Your skills of persuasion are unmatched."

I drop my eyes to find her beaming up at me, the skin around her smiling mouth glistening from her ministrations, looking thrilled I'm so pleased with her performance. Her lower lip pinches between her teeth, providing a second of hesitation before she asks, "Is there anything else you'd like for me to do?" She looks so fucking perfect there on her knees, eager and ready to please. "Just so you can be sure I meet your standards."

It's almost as if someone's given this woman a textbook on what I like. But it seems she missed one chapter.

"I've made my decision, Valerie." I bend, grabbing her by the waist and lifting her up from the floor. "Now it's time for you to make yours."

I love an enthusiastic partner. I enjoy being the one in control in the bedroom. But there is one thing I will never be able to get enough of.

I haul Valerie against me, lifting her small frame up off the floor. Both legs instinctively lock at my waist, but she doesn't yelp or grab at me like most women would in the situation. It’s as if she trusts me implicitly to take care of her. Knows I would never drop her.

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