Page 1 of Filthy Liar

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MAKING MY WAY across the crowded bar where I spend most of my evenings, I head for my usual spot, pretending not to notice as every female along my path shoots me a scowl before turning away. Their voices aren’t quiet as they spew the same lies I hear night after night. Preaching hearsay and gossip like gospel from the pulpit of public opinion.

I should be used to it by now. It’s been almost six months since Jessica took me down, telling everyone in Sweet Side what she thought I’d done.

Filthy liar.

It’s what she called me. What they all call me now.

My regular seat at the pub closest to my apartment is blessedly vacant, the isolated corner hiding me from most of the judging eyes that always seem to find me when I venture out. I slide onto my stool, finally occupying the one place in the world where I can eventually forget the shit show that is my life.

And tonight I need to forget it all.

Rod lifts a heavy, scrawling brow as I down the first drink he puts in front of me in one, throat-burning, mind-numbing swallow. I tap the glass back onto the bar between us.

“Rough day?” He pulls out the bottle of aged bourbon I’m planning to empty this evening and refills my tumbler.

I down the second round before offering him the depressing answer. “They all are.” I point to the bottle he’s holding. “Just leave it.”

He eyes me for a second before someone down the bar waves to catch his attention. “Pace yourself, my friend.” He slides the bottle my way then goes to fill more glasses.

I immediately pour myself another. It’s halfway to my lips when I’m interrupted.

“Is everything really that bad?”

I almost don’t turn. Almost don’t look for the source of the smooth, sexy voice still snaking down my spine. Because there’s no way it would be directed at me.

But I can’t help myself. Can’t resist putting a face to the low, sultry words that seem to wrap around me, warming me more than the bourbon already heating my gut.

I intend to take only a quick peek. One, short glance to see what the woman with a voice like velvet looks like. Except when my eyes find her, one second drags into another.

And another.

She smiles. Full, red lips barely parting to reveal just a peek of straight white teeth. One dark brow lifts in question. “Aren’t you going to offer to buy me a drink?”

I struggle to find an answer that makes sense, even in the messed-up world I now call my own. Women around here don’t want me to buy them drinks. Not anymore. Definitely not women who look like this one.

Because it turns out that sexy-as-hell voice is the least attractive thing about her.

She’s bloody gorgeous. Skin so fair I’d believe it’s never spent a day in the sun. Long hair tumbling past her delicate shoulders in thick, dark waves that shine even in the dim light of the bar.

And those eyes.

They’re the same color as the liquid I planned to drink like water until I forgot the events of not only today, but the past six months. Deep amber littered with flecks of gold and honey brown.

But the warmth I think I see in them can’t be real. Because, as much as I want to pretend this is actually happening, recent history has taught me this seemingly friendly visit is probably anything but. “You genuinely want me to buy you a drink?”

Her smile doesn’t falter and neither does her silky voice. “I do.”

Narrowing my eyes, I study her, my suspicion mounting. “Why?” Six months ago I wouldn’t have questioned a woman’s reasons for talking to me, but times have most certainly changed.

“Because I’m thirsty.” She reaches out and takes the glass from my hand, her graceful fingers sliding leisurely over mine, the simple touch making my dick twitch.


Half a year of unwilling celibacy has my cock straining against the zip of my trousers at nothing but the brush of her hand. I’m worse than a fifteen-year-old kid. Desperate for attention from the opposite sex.

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