Page 49 of Cunning Vows

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I bend over slightly so I can grab one of her tits and pinch at the perfectly pierced nipple. She moans around my cock, and it’s my undoing, as I blow into her mouth. Like a good girl, she takes her fill. My hips jerk as I cling to the chair.

I haven’t come that hard in a long time. Then again, nothing compares to this. To her.

Anya licks at the tip of my cock, her lipstick slightly smeared and most likely all over my face and cock, but I don’t give a shit. I grab her chin and bend over to kiss her. She freezes under the touch but doesn’t pull away.

“See how good we taste together,” I tell her, appreciating the curve in her posture with her hands still bound behind her back.

“There is no we. There is simply fucking. And this high school shit of holding hands and foreplay, apparently,” she says with an unimpressed look.

I smile as I stand and lean over her, undoing my belt to free her. She rubs her wrists and then wipes her lips.

Another knock on the door. “Fuck off!” we say in unison.

I look at the wall clock and realize we’ve been in here for over thirty minutes.

She smiles sweetly. “Can I leave now?”

“No. We still have a meeting to attend,” I reply, sweeping a glance around the room. Items from the desk have been knocked to the floor, the pillow discarded to the side, and my ass cheeks imprinted on the leather chair.



“Boss, they’ve been waiting for over thirty minutes,” Michael says as we walk back toward our table. Patrick is glaring, clearly not impressed. But he’s not alone. No, he has Amanza, his sister, with him. She lights up when she sees me, and I notice Anya’s curious gaze.

“Do you know her?” Anya asks me as I pull out her chair for her to sit.

Anya is very good at reading people, and nothing ever gets by her. Before I can answer, Patrick stands and reaches his hand out to me. “I don’t enjoy waiting.”

“Apologies. An urgent matter popped up that I had to attend to.” His skeptical gaze shifts to Anya. He and Amanza sit to my right, opposite Anya.

When Patrick pulls back, Amanza has already walked around her brother and leans in for a hug. I casually wrap one arm around her as she says, “It’s good to see you again.” She presses a kiss to my cheek. She lingers a little longer than necessary, as if expecting me to return the kiss. I don’t. She pulls back, seeming slightly confused before she once again takes her seat next to her brother.

Patrick is a necessity in my business. He’s an accountant, and a good one at that, who keeps my money clean. I’ve worked with him for five years now. The accountant I had before that was taking money from me. So now he lies with the dead.

“Patrick, I don’t think you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Anya Ivanov yet, have you?” Patrick looks at Anya, and I can tell right away he appreciates what he sees because he sits a little straighter when introduced. It’s not just her beauty but the demanding, entitled presence of her. She’s a queen in her own right.

“No, I have not,” he says, offering her his hand. She glances at it and then at me. I can imagine the eye roll as she reaches out, no smile—which is not a surprise—and shakes his hand.

“Patrick is from a small town on the coast. You don’t come to New York all that often, do you?” I ask him. I purposely orchestrated this business meeting to showcase to Anya that I already have everything I need in place to work alongside her. There is no liability in solidifying business together.

“No, but I always welcome an invitation for such an offer,” he says, smiling at Anya. “This is Amanza, my sister,” Patrick says to Anya, waving to his sister. She smiles at Anya, and Anya just stares.

I’d be pissed if she smiled freely, considering how hard I’ve had to work for the few she’s thrown my way.

Fuck, I really want her. The image of Anya on her knees, bound by the very belt I’m wearing now, has me shifting uncomfortably again.

I will never have enough of this woman.

“Did you two used to fuck?” Anya asks, turning to face me. Amanza gasps, but I just smirk at her bluntness. I’ve become used to her crude and abrupt nature. Why does a woman who literally has the world at her feet need to pause for pleasantries?

“Yes,” I answer truthfully. Lying to her isn’t necessary, and it isn’t really something I want to do.

She turns to Amanza, picks up her glass of water, and takes a sip of it before she places it back down and asks, “Was he good?” Everyone falls silent, and Amanza opens her mouth in shock.

“I… How could you be so crude?” Amanza asks.

“It was a simple question. Did you or did you not enjoy it when he fucked you?”

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