Page 46 of Cunning Vows

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It’s either a risk or stupidity taking her to another business meeting. I’m not sure which. What I wasn’t expecting of my she-devil was her appearance at the orphanage. When she told me she wasn’t available to meet until now, I had one of my men follow her. Out of curiosity, of course. Not that I’ll mention it to her, because I’m certain hell will freeze over if I insinuate she has one kind bone in her body.

I’m discovering many things about Anya. Especially that her venomous tongue and steely resolve, as beautiful as they are, are also used as a shield to protect herself. And it’s another thing I would never imply unless I want my brains blown out the very next second.

After last night and the kiss we shared, I now realize Anya is more precious than I gave her credit for. This woman has never had a lick of love or affection in her life. Although I’m not sure I can give it to her, I’m certainly willing to give it my all.

I never thought there would be a woman I’d cherish or want to literally give everything and anything to. I may not have all the answers, but I’ll make it my mission to do whatever it takes to make her happy. Even if I go broke in the process.

I pull up to the curb of my new restaurant, and she lets out a frustrated sigh, seemingly unimpressed to be brought back here. I chuckle as I unclick her seat belt.

“It’s not that bad, Anya. If you ate the food, you might come to realize you actually enjoy it,” I say.

“I’d rather go through a greasy fast-food drive-through,” she bites back.

I laugh again. “I doubt you’ve ever been through one of those.”

Her lips purse, and I know I’m right. She’d dealt with the reality of living off bare essentials until she and Alek were taken in by their third and final foster mother, who is extremely wealthy. But this little princess hasn’t “roughed it” a day in her life since.

I haven’t been able to find very much regarding their birth parents. At four, they could barely spell their first and last names, let alone provide anyone with any pertinent information about their parents.

“It feels almost full circle bringing you back here since this is where we first met,” I say when she doesn’t continue the conversation. She’s been prickly with me since yesterday. I knew she would eventually come to me, especially when she found out I purchased the mansion next door. One second, she was there asking about my niece, and the next, she locked up and vanished.

I’m certain it’s because of that fucking kiss.

“Unless we’re doing a drive-by on this shithole, are we getting out of the car or not?” she asks with her arms crossed over her chest. I laugh again and step out of the car as one of my men comes to collect the keys. Another one of my staff collect the keys from her two bodyguards who park behind us. I was lenient in allowing her to bring them, considering they would’ve found a way to come in anyway.

I adjust my suit and walk around to her side of the car and open the door, where she’s still pouting. But gone are the days when she’s opening and slamming doors herself. No, now she expects me to open them for her. Progress.

I hold my hand out to her, and she takes it and steps out. She’s breathtaking. I will never tire of watching this beautiful woman in her tight dresses and skirts and icy gaze.

She tries to remove her hand from mine, but I tighten my grip as I thread my fingers through hers. The action doesn’t go unnoticed by her men, who glance at one another skeptically.

“Yuck,” she spits. “I didn’t take you as the overbearing type.”

“One of us has to make up for your prickly presence,” I say, unfazed as I walk us through the entrance. The hostess greets us, and when her gaze lands on Anya, she turns a paler shade. Anya has that kind of effect on people. It fills me with pride.

The hostess escorts all four of us to the private space where my men are waiting. The chatter grows quieter as they nod to me respectfully but stare at her suspiciously. They know how dangerous she is and what happened with Igor as a consequence of him underestimating her. They advised I cut all ties and do my business in her territory without her permission. But it’s not just her permission that I need; it’s access to her auctions as well. I need to prove to her I can ensure they’ll have a consistent income by partnering with me, more than just with a monthly auction. It’s just a perk in addition to everything else I’m willing to offer her in the process.

Patrons fly or send people from around the world to come and bid at the Ivanov auctions. And she doesn’t let just anyone in. She is very selective, and the only ones I know are Dawson Taylor and Crue Monti.

On top of that, I threatened if any of my men were to so much as attempt to lay a hand on her, I would not only kill them but their families and anything or anyone they ever loved.

Michael stands as we get closer. The table is already filled with food and liquor.

“This doesn’t look like a business meeting,” Anya says as I pull out her chair, which is next to mine at the head of the table.

“It is. Just be patient,” I tell her.

She says nothing as she takes her seat. Anya’s men stand behind her near the wall, looking stoic and broody as usual. The server comes over with more food and places it on the table as I reach for the bottle of wine and pour myself a drink. Grabbing the water, I pour her a glass and place it in front of her, remembering she doesn’t drink alcohol. “What do you want to eat?”

“Why, do you plan to hand feed it to me?” she asks, lifting a perfectly manicured brow.

“Do you want me to?” Because I will if it means I get to play with those lips. I’ve touched her other lips, so it’s only fair I touch the other set, right?

“Give it a try. Let’s see how many fingers I can remove with my teeth,” she snarks back. I smile, transfixed by her. I want to bend her over and punish her. My cock grows uncomfortable at the thought.

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