Page 78 of Fallen Rider

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Three Months Later…

Sitting behind Dane,the wind in my hair, the bike rumbling beneath me feels amazing. I can barely contain the laughter that wants to bubble up my throat as his Harley roars down the country roads on the way into Kingsley.

Being behind my guy is the best feeling in the world and I love every second of it. I love the feel of his hard abs under my hands, the way his powerful shoulders move as the bike shifts back and forth. I love sitting behind him and letting him take control.

It’s been three months since I left Kingsley for Manchester and I’m eager to see my family again. I’ve missed the hell out of them, but it’s Beth I’m most itching to see.

Two weeks after I got out of the hospital, I moved to Manchester with Dane and it’s been incredible. The Devils are a different type of club, which took some getting used to, but they’ve gone out of their way to make me welcome. I don’t know what happened to Lola after the incident, but she hasn’t been seen since she betrayed the Devils. I’m guessing whatever they did to her wasn’t good, but no one has said a word.

We don’t head to the clubhouse, but veer off towards Kingsley General Hospital. There’s a host of Harleys parked in the bike parking area and Dane adds his ride to the number. I climb off and pull my head free of the helmet, running my fingers through my hair as Dane kicks down the stand.

He climbs off, taking my helmet from me and securing it to the back of the bike before doing his own. Then hand-in-hand we walk into the building. I love the feel of his big palm against mine.

We head straight for the maternity unit and for once I feel a hint of relief that we’re here for something good, not because someone got shot or hurt.

As soon as we push through the doors, we’re greeted by Saxons’ kuttes and family. Sofia reaches me first, hugging me tight, then I’m passed around the brothers, and the rest of my family. Mum is missing, as is Jack, so they must be in with Beth and Lo.

I feel warm, happy, safe here, and when I finally have said hello to everyone I sign, “Is she here yet?”

Sofia nods. “About an hour ago. She’s adorable.”

I grin and glance up at Dane who smiles back. “Can we see her?”

Sofia nods. “Room seven.”

Dane and I head up the corridor, buzzing to get through the security doors into the unit. We make it to the room number and knock on the door. It opens a second later and I’m greeted with a red-eyed Jack.

He engulfs me in a hug before ushering me and Dane into the room.

Logan is sitting on the edge of the bed, his chest bare, his kutte draped on the back of the bed. I don’t fail to notice the new patch on his kutte—President.

After Derek stepped down, Logan was voted in as president. Was I surprised, no. I was more surprised that Slade took a step back from the table to become a regular member. He told everyone he wasn’t getting any younger either and that the business of running the Club should be left to the younger generation. I suspect it had something to do with the fact he and Clara are trying for a baby. Dean finally stepped up and took the position of VP, with Wade moving into Sergeant-at-Arms and Weed getting a seat at the table as his enforcer.

Time changes many things.

My eyes go to Beth who is sitting up, her hospital gown falling off her shoulder as she cuddles a tiny bundle to her chest. My heart swells as I move to the bed and get my first look at my niece.

The baby is tiny, with a hint of dark hair and big blue eyes that are staring up at me.

“She’s gorgeous,”I sign at Beth.

“She didn’t feel so gorgeous coming out,” Beth says softly, but she never once takes her eyes off her daughter.

“Do you want to hold her?”

I nod and sit in the chair at the bedside. Logan takes the baby carefully from Beth like she’s breakable and hands her to me.

I stare down at her and I can’t help but smile. She’s beautiful. My brother made a beautiful daughter.

“What’s her name?” Dane asks the question that my occupied fingers are dying to ask.

“Erin Marie,” Logan says, “After Beth’s gran.”

I love the name and I love this baby already. I glance up at Dane who is staring at me with heated eyes. Does he want this? Does he want a baby? We haven’t spoken about it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not on his mind.

We visit with Beth and my brother for a while then leave the new parents with their daughter. When we get out into the corridor, I sign, “Isn’t she the cutest?”

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