Page 70 of Fallen Rider

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Chapter Twenty-Four

“I can manage,”I sign, as Mum and Sofia both rush forwards to help me up off the chair.

I escaped from the hospital a week ago and was brought to Mum’s house to recuperate. Two weeks in that place was more than enough for one lifetime. I think it was more than enough for my mother too, who has been flapping around me since I got home.

Today is the first time they’ve let me leave the house, although I’ve only gone as far as the Saxons’ clubhouse. The other girls will arrive soon and I can’t wait to see them. It feels like it’s been an eternity, even though I had a steady stream of visitors while I was laid up.

“Do you want a coffee?” she asks, as I get to my feet, wincing slightly at the pull on my stitches.

“Yes, please,”I sign.

I head to the bathroom, the only place where I’m guaranteed five minutes peace and do my business.

When I get back to the common room, Sofia is sitting at the table still, twirling her fingers through her hair.

As I gingerly sit down, she watches me, her face a mask of concern.

“You know we’re just worried about you, right? We don’t mean to smother you.”

Considering how close I came to losing my life, I can’t even blame their anxiety. I’m healing well, though, and other than a slightly dull ache around the wound, I’m able to function thanks to some killer pain relief. I’m lucky, which feels weird to say after being shot, but it could have been so much worse. Slade pulling Dylan’s aim at the last second actually saved my life. Don’t get me wrong, I still have a long recovery ahead, but I’m getting there one day at a time.

“I know, but I’m okay. I promise.”

She nods, taking this in.

“We thought you were a goner. It wasn’t a good feeling.” Her hands shake a little as she pushes her hair out of her face.

I wait for her attention to come back to me, then sign, “I’m stronger than I look.”

“I never doubted that for a second.” She glances out of the window before bringing her gaze back to me as my phone vibrates on the table.

I pick it up and see a message from Dane.

DANE: Miss you, baby. Wish I was with you.

“Is that Dane?” Sofia correctly surmises. At my questioning look, she adds, “You get this goofy look on your face anytime he messages.”

I snort. “I do not,” I sign.

“You do. I like it. He’s good for you, Kenzie.”

Her words hit me in the belly, a low warm feeling that spreads through my body. Having her approval means a lot to me.

“So, are you missing him?”

My smile grows. “Yes, but he’s messaging all the time.”

He’s barely left me alone since he had to return to Manchester and deal with the fall out of my attack. Not that I want him to. I’m more than happy to hear from him.

In the two weeks I was in the hospital the Devils and Saxons attempted to cover up their part in blowing their way into the Reapers’ compound in Northampton. So far, they’ve managed to.

The media called it an attack between gangs, but they didn’t know which gangs were involved. The boys have managed to keep out of the spotlight so far, but whether that will continue, I don’t know.

I miss Dane, though. I wish I could have been with him, but I needed to recover and a biker clubhouse probably wasn't the best place to do that—even if that’s where I am now.

I glance up as the doors open and I glimpse Beth, Liv, and the other girls. My heart soars seeing these women—my friends, my family, my rocks.

“Kenzie!” Beth exclaims. Other greetings are exchanged and it takes some manoeuvring to get everyone around the table and settled.

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