Page 68 of Fallen Rider

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Chapter Twenty-Three

A steady,rhythmic beeping penetrates through my haze. I slowly prise one eye open and see white walls and a pale blue curtain hanging around the bed. My gaze slides to the side of the bed where I see Dane slumped in a chair, my mother sitting next to him. It makes for a surreal sight, but it’s not one I wholly disapprove of.

I shift a little and wince as pain stabs along my stomach.


I got shot.

Clearly, I’m not dead, so I survived, but with what damage? When Wade was shot, his recovery took months. I can’t be in hospital for months.

I bang my hand off the bed rail and Dane’s eyes pop open, my mum’s a moment later.

Dane moves before I can do anything else and takes my face in his hands. “You’re awake.” He kisses me repeatedly before he rests his forehead to mine. “Thank fuck. Baby, you’ve given me a few sleepless nights this week.”

A few? How long have I been out of it for?

“Kenzie, darling,” Mum peers around Dane’s huge frame and he steps aside to let her get closer to the bed. I don’t know why, but that makes me feel a little warm. “How are you feeling?”

I raise my hands and sign, “Sore.”

“I’ll go and grab the doctor,” Mum says and kisses my head. “I’m glad you’re okay, darling.”

Okay might be pushing it, but I give her a smile even so.

I wait for her to leave and then sign to Dane, “What happened?” I ignore the bruises marring my wrists, a reminder of what I suffered.

I sign it slowly, so he can keep up. We’ve been practising, but he’s nowhere near fluent yet.

“What happened?” he reaffirms and I nod. “You were shot by Dylan. Do you remember?”

I swallow hard. I do remember and I wish I didn’t. I don’t want to relive that again.


“Where? The stomach. You lost a lot of blood and had to have surgery to repair the damage the bullet did, but they say you’re going to be fine, baby. Thank God.”

“Where’s Slade?” I mouth.

Dane scrubs a hand over his shaved head, tension clear in every line of his body. “He’s fine. They stitched him up and sent him home.”

Relief washes through me. “Lucas?”

His mouth pulls into a line. “He didn’t make it. I’m sorry, baby.”

Pain stabs me, pain that feels bone deep. I stare at the ceiling, my eyes brimming with tears. This is such a mess.

When my tears fall, Dane wipes them away. “Hey, no crying, little one. We’ll get through this.”

And I know I will. With him at my side, I can get through anything.

The doctor steps into the room and takes my blood pressure, then he gives me some meds before he leaves. I could kiss him for that. The pain moves to a dull ache that is more manageable.

Dane and Mum sit with me as I drift in and out, and at one point my sister replaces Mum. Dane never leaves my side, as if he’s rooted to the seat. I don’t blame him. I’d be the same if our roles were reversed.

After I wake the fourth or fifth time, Dane has been joined by Logan. My older brother looks like he’s aged about twenty years since I last saw him. He steps to the bed and peers down at me before he squeezes my hand.

“How are you doing, Kenz?”

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