Page 34 of Fallen Rider

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“Back off, fucknuts,” a voice growls from behind him, a voice I recognise immediately.

My head snaps in its direction at the same time as Foz’s as a rather annoyed looking Dane moves towards us.

Foz’s eyes move to Dane, who is glaring at me before sliding back to me.

“Easy, brother. We’re just talking.”

“Is that what you’re doing?” He grabs Foz by the lapel of his kutte and shoves him away. “You don’t sniff around her, you understand me?”

The anger rolling off Dane scares me a little and I’m not sure why he’s showing such animosity towards his club brother. Foz doesn’t seem fazed, though, as if this is something he’s used to from his VP. Maybe he is.

His lips twitch as his eyes shift between us both.

“Are you two together?”

I don’t say anything, and neither does Dane for a moment.

“Can you give us a second?” He frames it as a question, but he’s not really asking. His gaze also stays locked on me, which has me squirming under the scrutiny. Why is he looking at me like this? Like he’s just caught me cheating on him?

“Yeah, sure.” He passes him and as he does, he says, “I hope you know what you’re doing, brother.”

“I do,” Dane grinds out.

Foz gives his club brother a look I’m not sure I can decipher before he takes off up the corridor.

Dane waits for Foz to leave before he steps towards me. I want to move away, but I don’t. I won’t show him he has any effect on me, even though my heart is starting to race.

“What’re you talking to that motormouthed fuck for?”

“You don’t like Foz?” I type.

He snorts. “Of course I like Foz.”

I’m confused, so I ask, “But you don’t want me talking to him?”

He moves closer and I suddenly feel warm. “I don’t want him flirting with you.” He stares at my mouth. “That’s my job.”

My chest feels suddenly tight. “Your job?”

His mouth is inches from mine and I can feel his warm breath against my face. I can hardly draw in air. If anyone steps into the corridor, they will see us together and ask questions, but he doesn’t seem to care about getting caught.

I shake my head. We shouldn’t be doing this. If Foz’s reaction was anything to go by, he doesn’t think we should be doing this either.

Dane moves his mouth to my ear and asks softly, “You want me to stop?”

I wait for him to pull back, so I can shake my head again. I should stop this, we both should. We’re playing with fire and going to get burnt, but both of us want this.

His fingers come to rest on my clavicle and my breath stutters in my chest.

“Dane, do you want to—Oops,” a female voice blurts and when I turn my head, I see one of the club bunnies coming out of a door behind me. Lola, I think her name is. “I didn’t realise you were busy.”

“Not now,” he tells her, and she opens her mouth to protest, but he reaffirms with a firm, “Go and find one of the lads.”

She pouts a little in a way that makes me squirm, and I wonder if she’s been with Dane before. Jealousy flares through me, burning as it destroys my good mood. I don’t like how her eyes climb over every inch of him, but she does walk off as she was ordered. She gives us a backwards glance before continuing up the corridor.

When Dane turns back to me, he sighs. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?” I mouth.

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