Page 29 of Fallen Rider

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Beth nods. “We’re fine. The Devils have been nothing short of amazing. They’ve given us rooms. It’s three to a space, so decide who you want to buddy up with.”

I glance behind Beth at the other women and feel my heart sink. How did this become our lives? How did we end up in a situation where we’re having to hide out in another club’s place? It just doesn’t compute. Two summers ago, everything was so different. We’d never heard of Simon Wilson, we weren’t at war with the Reapers and I wasn’t having inappropriate feelings about a man I shouldn’t be thinking anything about.

We also didn’t have Beth, Liv, Piper, Paige, Cami or Chloe.

The girls make room around the table for us to sit with them. The Devils’ clubhouse, I notice, is not as clean or new as the Saxons’. Everything looks old, worn, and drab. There’s also the definite smell of marijuana lingering in the air, mixed with the stale smell of old smoke. Our boys are clearly much better at housekeeping or our prospects keep things tidier.

A woman wearing black jeans and a black Harley tank moves over to us. Her dark hair is pulled up into a high ponytail and she’s got on makeup that makes her brown eyes seem darker.

“Hey, are you ladies okay?”

Liv stands, juggling Danny in her arms as she goes in for an awkward hug. “Harper! I didn’t expect to see you here.”

The woman, Harper, snorts. “Girl, I’m always here when Ax is, unless it’s some club business shit he has to take care of.” She pulls away from Liv and focuses on the baby in her arms. “So, this is the kid, huh?”

“Yeah, this is Danny.”

Harper strokes a finger down his cheek. “Hard to imagine the last time I saw you this kiddo wasn’t even born.”

It takes my brain a moment to remember, but Harper and Axel took care of Liv after Simon Wilson attacked her. I recall she was sent away by Dean until it was safe to return. She stayed with them in a safe house until the issue was resolved. I know she found it tough, because she was newly pregnant with Danny and suffering morning sickness on top of worry for Dean.

No wonder she’s on hugging terms with the Devils’ Sergeant-at-Arm’s old lady, though. Liv was there for a while, and we all had to act as if she never existed to protect her from her crazy ex—a crazy ex that eventually abducted both Beth and Dean, hurting them to try to discover the location of Liv.

I would have said back then things couldn’t get any more insane—but the last few months have proved me wrong.

Relying on other people isn’t usually our way, but sometimes you need help, and right now we’re in a terrible situation. I worry we may lose someone before long if things continue as they are.

“If you girls need anything, just find me or Ella. She’s Dax’s old lady, but either of us can help.”

As old lady of the president, she would have a lot of clout. In our Club, that position falls to Clara, because Derek doesn’t have an old lady.

“Can we leave?” Jamie asks, sounding a little hopeful.

“I can help you with everything but that,” Harper says, her face pulling into an apologetic grimace. “The boys say you guys have to stay inside. We’re essentially on a lockdown until this thing blows over.”

“God,” Beth mutters. “I’m sorry we’re putting our shit on you guys.”

Harper waves a hand. “Don’t be. It’s what friends do.”

And that’s what we are—friends of the Devils. Would we do the same for them? I would hope so, and I hope if they ever need help in the future that the Saxons will be there for these people.

“I think this goes beyond the call of friendship,” Beth disagrees.

I think she’s right.

We’re taken to the rooms we’re to use during our stay here. I’m paired up with Sofia and Mum, with them both taking the double bed while I’m on a small pull out sofa in the room. The space is clean, although it’s tired. It doesn’t matter. It’s safe and that’s what is important.

“I’m going to get a drink,”I sign to my sister, who is sitting on the bed while Mum showers in the bathroom down the corridor. “Do you want anything?”

Sofia nods. “Bring me back something. I don’t care what as long as it’s not fizzy. Do you want me to come with you?”

I shake my head. “Wait here for Mum.”

We haven’t been told to stay in the rooms, but it’s getting late, so we’d come up to bed. Liv, Beth and Paige already bowed out early, but we left Jamie and Cami in the common room. God knows what trouble those two will get up to together.

I head down to the kitchen and wonder if I should have got changed out of my sleep shorts and camisole. It’s probably not the best attire to be walking around another club’s clubhouse in, but I make it to the kitchen without seeing another soul, although I can hear music coming from down the corridor. These boys obviously like to party as much as my family do.

I feel like a thief as I stalk into the empty kitchen and flick on the lights. They flicker a moment before illuminating the room fully.

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