Page 22 of Fallen Rider

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It all started with Liv’s ex-husband—Simon Wilson. We thought he was acting alone to hurt Liv, but he turned out to be a pawn in a game Tap and Dylan set up. Wilson took Dean and Beth to get to Liv, but he was helped by Tap who gave him the time and place to snatch Beth. Wade ended up with bullets in his gut for that betrayal. Wade later uncovered CCTV footage that proved Tap was the one who sold him out.

It didn’t end there, though. Tap and Dylan’s treason went deeper than any of us could have imagined. Wade was made to look like a police informant, in the hopes the Club would ‘deal’ with him. Dylan beat the hell out of him to stop him from talking and he was brought to the clubhouse to face justice. It was a lie, though, perpetrated by Tap and Dylan to destabilise the Club.


So the Reapers could take over some of the Club’s less than legal revenue streams. We found that nugget of information out from Beth, who overheard Jem and Logan talking.

After all that stuff went down, Tap mysteriously disappeared. Me and the girls think he got himself killed because the Club isn’t looking for him, which is a pretty big indicator in my eyes that they know he’s no longer a problem.

But Tap wasn’t the only one who disappeared. So did Liv’s ex. Because of Simon Wilson’s disappearance, a private investigator has been hanging around, harassing Beth and Liv, trying to find out what happened to him. I don’t like to think it of my brothers, but I’m pretty sure Simon Wilson will never be found. I’m pretty sure my brothers and Dean ensured he wouldn’t be to protect both women. I can’t say I have a problem with that. I saw the aftermath of what Wilson did to Beth. It screwed her head up for a long time after. I also saw the guilt Liv carried with her because of the deeds of her ex, who got off on beating her bloody when they were together.

Yeah, my sympathy for Simon Wilson is as dead as he probably is.

But this investigator is dogged and seemingly not afraid of the Club. My brother slugged him in the chops one day when he cornered Beth in her office. I watched that happen and the investigator didn’t even blink. If Logan had hit me with that much force, I would never have got up off the floor, but that crazy bastard just smiled and shrugged it off. It wasn’t enough to stop him from camping outside Beth’s flat one night while Logan was on a run, either.

The man has a death wish.

“As fun as this is, some of us have to work Sundays,” Clara says, pushing up to her feet.

“They’re letting you leave?” Paige demands, sounding a little hysterical.

“They need me to keep my job at the hospital.” Her smile is thin as she says this, as if she doesn’t entirely approve, but I get it. Clara paves the way to hide injuries that might otherwise raise questions with the law if the Club walked through the front door of the hospital. Considering how often these boys get hurt, she’s needed. “I get to go to work with an escort. I’ll catch you guys later.”

We give our goodbyes and watch Clara leave the common room. As soon as she’s gone, Sammy leans forward.

“What’s going on with her and Slade?”

“What do you mean?” Sofia demands.

“You haven’t noticed?”

“Noticed what?” Beth jumps in before taking a sip of the ginger ale in front of her. She looks queasy this morning. “Hell’s bells, I swear I can’t deal with any more drama.”

“How much her and Slade are arguing lately. I swear I heard Ghost and Wade talking the other day about the fact Slade’s sleeping on the sofa at the moment.”

This strikes me hard. Clara and Slade have always been the quintessential couple. Okay, they’re a bit of an odd match, but opposites attract, right?

Maybe not.

Maybe things are getting too much for Clara. The old lady life is a tough one and it’s not for the faint hearted, but she’s been married to Slade now for more than six years. She knows what to expect.

“Knowing Slade, he probably did something stupid,” Paige says, a little flippant.

Beth, I notice, looks down at her hands and I see the guilt flash across her face for a moment before she locks it down. She knows something, but whatever it is must be too much to share, because we’d know about it.

“Come on, guys, we shouldn’t gossip about Clara’s life. It’s not nice.” Liv’s reprimand brings me back to the conversation. Everyone looks a little sheepish.

“Speaking of gossiping, does anyone know why the Devils are here?”

My head snaps up at this question from my sister. Sofia isn’t looking at me, which is just as well, because I’m certain I’m wearing every emotion I have on my face right now.

“To strengthen alliances, I’d imagine,” Beth says. “They’re the Club’s biggest ally. I guess Derek wanted to make sure they’re still on side.”

A shiver runs through me at the thought we could be on the wrong side of Dane. He told me they were trying to come to a resolution with their National Chapter.

“They’ll support us. They’re friends of the Club,”I sign, my stomach dipping as the white lie falls from my hands.

Beth watches my signing and then shrugs. “Who knows. It’s one thing to defend yourself from a rogue club, but it’s another to step in the middle of a war between two rivals. I haven’t heard anything to suggest either way what they’re going to do.”

“Me neither,” Sammy says.

“Nor me,” Liv adds, shifting Danny in her arms, “but Dean doesn’t bring a lot of business home.”

Sharing what Dane told me doesn’t feel right, so I don’t, but Beth’s gaze narrows on me before sliding towards Paige as she asks, “Does anyone else feel like this is the coming storm?”

Looks are exchanged around the table.

“I think we’re heading towards the eye,” Sofia mutters.

I can’t help but think my sister might be right.

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