Page 12 of Fallen Rider

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I ignore Logan, my gaze locking firmly on Dane.

My heart rate starts to pick up speed, and I can’t help but track his movements. He walks with the swagger of a man who knows he owns every room he steps into. It’s sexy as hell.

I think back to the last time I saw him. It was at Beth and Logan’s wedding. We got a little cosy.

Too cosy really.

I woke up the next morning in his bed after receiving the best sex of my life.

I wasn’t very gallant, though.

I left before he woke up. Not my proudest moment, but I wasn’t sure how to deal with a one-night stand with a biker—and not just any biker, but one from another club. We’re allied with the Devils, but that’s irrelevant. Inter-club dating is not allowed. Why? Because alliances change, loyalties shift. It makes things difficult, even dangerous, if you’re straddling the line between two allegiances. It’s a rule I’m well aware of, and have been since I was old enough to date.

I also have no intention of getting into something long-term with a biker. I’ve seen how overbearing those men can be. I don’t want that for myself, although I do feel a hint of the green-eyed monster when I see these men taking care of their women.

After we shagged, I expected Dane to catch up with me during breakfast and either ream me out for leaving the bed without so much as a goodbye, or act as if we did nothing. I wasn’t sure which scenario would be better, but Piper was abducted by men associated with her stepfather, and everything went to hell in the proverbial handbasket.

It was probably for the best. The last thing I need or want is to be caught up with a biker, especially one from another club.

This meant I was able to slip away without encountering Dane again. Did I think I could avoid him forever? Of course not. His club is too entwined with the Lost Saxons, but I figured I’d have some warning he was coming and could make myself scarce.

I’m going to have a hard time avoiding him in a lockdown, though. I’m stuck in the clubhouse with minimal hiding places, but I’m going to do my best to steer well clear.

Even so, I can’t help but take a moment to appreciate the man before I run.

He’s a good five or six inches taller than my five-foot-eight and he’s broad and big everywhere. His arms are like tree trunks, the muscles well-defined. Arms I distinctly remember running my hands over.

I ignore that thought and focus on his shaved head and the thick scruff covering his jaw that is not quite a beard, but is more than a five o’clock shadow. Beneath his kutte and tee, I can see the tattoo peeking out of the back of his neckline, but that’s not the only ink on him. His arms, which are hidden beneath a sweatshirt, are also covered in artwork.

He’s a beautiful, hard man. A very beautiful, very off-limits man.

I track him as he moves towards the bar, taking a moment to appreciate the fit of his black jeans and how they hug his hips. Yeah, Dane is sculpted from perfection.

And with that thought, I start to make my escape.

Beth suddenly slides into the booth, making me jolt in surprise, and stopping my retreat. I snap my eyes from my voyeurism and give her my attention.

“You scared me half to death,” I sign.

She tosses her head. “Sorry. I wasn’t quiet, though, stomping over here. I’ve lost all ability to be light on my feet since your brother knocked me up.”

I snort, but my eyes slide towards Dane, who hasn’t yet noticed me. Thank God. “Like you don’t love being pregnant.”

Her hand goes to her baby bump. “I don’t love puking all times of the day and night. Did you know morning sickness doesn’t happen just in the morning? It’s been a riot, I can tell you. I don’t know how Liv did this, considering how sick she was throughout her pregnancy. I think I’ve threatened to divorce your brother at least twice this week for what he did to me.”

“Wild horses couldn’t drag you away from Logan,” I rebut with a roll of my eyes.

I need to get out of the common room, but I don’t know how to do that without arousing suspicion. Beth isn’t stupid. Maybe Dane won’t notice me hidden away in the corner.

She sighs. “Sadly, it’s true. I’m going to give birth to sasquatch’s baby, and I’ll still love your brother, even if my insides are left a mess. Pathetic, right? Don’t fall in love, Kenzie. No good comes of it.”

My lips quirk as I sign, “Noted.”

She studies me a moment. “Why are you sitting over here on your lonesome?”

“I needed a moment to myself.” True. I did.

She nods, not taking this personally. She’s done her share of lockdowns. She gets it.

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