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Before I collapse into my bed, I examine my new wounds. I have a gash on my arm that stopped bleeding several hours ago. Now it is simply covered in dried blood, and an ugly blue-green bruise has spread around the edges of the gash.

I also have several cuts and scrapes on my face.

I sigh as I get into bed. I will bathe in the morning. For now, though, I have to figure out a way to get through the trials.

For now, I have to figure out a way to gain my wings and become a xaphan.

Without dying first.



“Ifucking hate these journeys.” I growl the words as waves crash into the boat I am on.

The gorgon who is manning the vessel lets out a gruff laugh but quiets down when I let out another low growl.

I left Ikoth this morning against my better judgment for my usual trip to New Solas. A lot of my business is based in the xaphanian city, and after nearly fifteen years of running my family business, I am used to the journey.

That doesn’t mean you have to like it.

What makes this journey worse is that I had business with Ikoth’s king last night. King Vag’thimon has become particularly tetchy since the xaphans declared their intention to expand their military base on New Solas.

This damn ceasefire isn’t working. Why don’t we just go back to war and end things?

My thoughts are as tetchy as King Vag’thimon’s tone was last night as I think about our relations with the xaphans.

The boat docks at Glebe’s port as the sun is setting, and I groan loudly as I lift my heavy body from the small, cramped seat and walk to the waiting carriage.

I hate the xaphans, like all demons do. I hate doing business with them, even though New Solas is one of the most prosperous cities in Aerasak. And I hate being sent on what could be called an espionage mission, to scope out what they are doing with their military endeavors.

When the ceasefire was first signed, most of Aerasak sighed with relief. The war had been long, brutal, and bloody. And frankly, the only ones who hadn’t been materially or financially affected by it were the xaphans.

The ceasefire helped the rest of Aerasak recover, and things have been better.

But everyone knows that the xaphans do not mean to remain peaceful for long. And that fact is even more clear now that they’ve decided to expand their military base.

My driver pulls away from the ports immediately, and we head through Glebe’s main city to the outskirts.

This is another reason why I hate traveling to New Solas. It is so godsdamned long.

To get to New Solas by tomorrow, we’ll have to travel over a mountain pass called The Ridge, which connects the two continents.

“At least this thing is bigger than my seat on the boat,” I say as I shift in my seat in the carriage.

The driver says nothing as we head up the gravel road that leads to The Ridge.

I fall asleep, which is not something I allow myself to do often, but I am exhausted.

When I open my eyes, the sun is rising and the carriage is trundling into New Solas.

I can feel the physical change on the road as we cross from Glebe into New Solas. The road becomes smooth and even, and the sound of wheels grinding over gravel falls away.

I squint as golden light bursts into my frame of vision.

I always forget how much the xaphans like their gold, I think to myself and snort as we roll down a hill and through a beautiful suburban neighborhood.

I cannot help but think of my hometown in Ikoth, Nyxia.
