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He leans into it, turning to kiss my fingers before turning back to me. He leans down, pressing a kiss into my chest and trailing it up my neck and back to my lips. His tongue slips into my parted mouth, stroking mine and the heat that is building inside me.

His hard cock grinds into me, and he groans into the kiss. I slide my hands under his shirt, pulling it over his head exposing his bare skin. My eyes get lost in the contours of his muscles, taut and toned as he holds himself up above me, peppering tender kisses along my neck.

Karul's kisses are like fire on my flushed skin, each one leaving a trail of tingling warmth wherever his mouth touches. I let my fingers linger on his chest, feeling the muscles ripple underneath his smooth, cool skin as he responds to my touch. Despite the sorrow etched into his features, he's entirely focused on this moment with me.

I can feel his heart pound against my chest as we move together in sync. Our bodies grind against each other as hands travel down to my waist and then slide up under my nightdress, slowly caressing my stomach before teasingly brushing against the bare flesh of my thighs.

"Tell me what you need," he murmurs against my neck, his lips trailing hot breath there before nipping gently at the sensitive skin.

"You," I whisper back, my voice hoarse from the need building inside of me. His scent envelops me – masculine and addictively inviting. I want to taste him; I want to explore every inch of this man who seems so lost yet so sure here with me.

Karul pulls away from our entwined bodies, his chest heaving with need. He meets my gaze, his eyes are intense as he runs a hand down the center of my body. I gasp and arch off the bed as his fingers slip through my folds, wet and in need of heat only he can provide me.

Almost hesitantly, he unfastens the belt of his pants and slides the zipper down. His erection springs free, thick, and hard. He pushes them down to reveal himself to me fully- My breath catches in my throat at the sight of it; it's beautiful in its raw masculinity.

The head glistens with pre-cum already, beckoning me closer. Taking a shaky breath, I reach out tentatively and run my fingers over the smooth skin of his shaft - feeling its heat and power pulsing beneath my touch.

He lets out a low moan as I trace patterns on him, up and down his length slowly, savoring the texture against my fingertips. He pushes into my hand slightly, taking in a shaky breath as he looks down at me. His chest rises and falls rapidly, his eyes trailing down my body, burning into mine with an intensity that makes my core clench.

Slowly, he palms one of my breasts from under the thin fabric of my dress, causing a jolt of pleasure to shoot through me. My nipple hardens under his touch, and he smirks wickedly before leaning in to take it between his lips, suckling gently. I moan softly, arching into him as he rolls it between his tongue and teeth.

His hand slides up along my thigh, stopping just short of where I long for him to be. I whimper as he glides his hand away to the hem of my dress. With a sharp tug, he pulls it up over my head in one swift motion, leaving me completely exposed before him.

His breath hitches at the sight of me naked beneath him. Heat pools in my core as anticipation builds inside of me, and I squirm beneath him.

"Karul," I whimper, chasing away my grief with the anticipation of his cock pressing into me.

I lean up, capturing his mouth with mine, and he moans and presses the tip of his throbbing cock against my entrance. Arching up into him and into the kiss, he gently presses into me, slipping through my folds and filling me with his entire length.

A gasp escapes me as he begins to slowly thrust into me, making love to my body and taking away the pain of the day. I get lost in the sensations of fullness and how my pussy clenches around him.

I feel his lips part as I deepen the kiss, tasting his mouth greedily. His hands move to my hips and pull me closer, urging me against him as he thrusts harder into me.

The friction between us is exquisite, our moans mingling together in a harmonious symphony of desire. The bed creaks beneath us with every thrust. We groan in unison, lost in the ecstasy of this forbidden moment.

His hips begin to pump faster now, driving deeper into me with each stroke, claiming what's rightfully his. My back arches off the mattress, nails digging into his shoulders as I let go of all control and surrender to the pleasure coursing through my body. He growls against my neck and picks up speed, biting gently.

The scent of sweat and lust fills the air, making it heavy with anticipation. Karul's thrusts become rougher, harder – each one hitting that perfect spot inside me as I arch my hips up into him, meeting him thrust for thrust.

My inner walls clench around him greedily, taking everything he has to give and begging for more. His fingers dig into my hips as he plunges deeper still, grinding against my G-spot with every powerful movement.

"Jasmine," he pants, his voice a strained moan against my mouth, panting as we breathe and moan together through parted mouths still pressed together.

I feel the tingling deep within my abdomen begin to build as Karul's thrusts pick up intensity.

Feeling his cock grow thicker and harder within me, my body pulses around it, desperately seeking release as our lovemaking reaches its peak. The mattress squeaks in tandem with our hips, the springs straining under the force of our wild, urgent motions.

I can feel my climax approaching fast, my muscles tightening with anticipation. His kisses are fierce, his tongue diving into my mouth and exploring every part of it as we breathe heavily against each other's lips. With a loud bass rumble, he growls against my mouth and shoves his hips forward violently, hitting me deep inside as I cry out his name.

The sensation is too much to bear; my walls clamp down on him rhythmically, gripping him tightly as my orgasm takes me over. Tears stream down my cheeks from the sheer bliss of it all. He groans into the kiss, tilting my chin up to look into his eyes as we lock gazes.

They shimmer with desire and love for me in this moment, making me weak at the knees. As he thrusts faster and faster into me, I can feel his own orgasm building from the movement.

The sweat glistens on Karul's brow as his movements become more frantic and urgent. His eyes are closed, his face contorted in pleasure.

Karul's cock slides in and out of me as we lose ourselves in each other. The friction between our bodies is electric, sending waves of heat and ecstasy coursing through us both.

He pushes me back against the mattress, his hips moving faster now, his pelvis against mine in time with our ragged breathing. His muscles ripple under my touch, flexing with each powerful stroke that takes him deeper into my yielding body
