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"This is the only time we have to do this,” I remind her. I’m trying in earnest to be deserving of what is about to transpire between us. She nods, her chest visibly wracked by nervous breaths.

I step into Jasmine's space, slowly closing the distance between us. She inhales sharply as I bring my hand to her face. My fingers brush away a strand of hair that has fallen across her cheek. She closes her eyes and leans into my touch, seeming to crave more from me, whom she has only just met.

The silence between us is heavy with anticipation. I trace my fingers along the line of her jaw, down her neck, and to the small of her back. Jasmine shivers involuntarily as I pull her closer. Our bodies press against each other with a building desire.

I breathe into her ear, whispering, "Jasmine." She shivers in response, arching her body closer to mine. She opens her eyes slowly, meeting my eyes as I study every inch of her face. I can feel her heart racing against mine.

Jasmine lets out a quiet moan as I run my fingers through her hair, tugging gently at the end of one lock before letting it slide between my fingers. I lean down again, capturing her lips with my own in a kiss that is both tender and fierce. Our tongues tangle together as we explore each other's mouths, tasting the sweetness of one another.

I pick her up into my arms and lay her on the bed. She keeps her eyes on me as I do, panting against me in unmistakable desire. My hardened cock is pressed against her, tingling with a need only she can fulfill.

I lay her on her back and slowly climb over her, framing her head with my hands before dipping down to kiss her once more. The chemistry between us is making my body react in ways I didn’t know possible. I am panting and feeling out of control with lust.

I slide my hand down her body, touching the fabric of her gown in my hand before sliding it up and over her head. I am awed by her curvaceous form, every contour highlighted by the moonlight that streams in through the window.

"Your body is perfect," I whisper, and I dip down, taking a nipple in my mouth and kissing it into a perfect stiffened peak.

"Karul," she murmurs, lifting her hips off the bed and arching her body into my throbbing erection.

As Jasmine's hands reach up and pull off my shirt, I feel a shiver of pleasure course through my body. Her fingers are warm and soft against my skin, and I can't help but moan as she pulls me closer. Her mouth tastes sweet against mine, and I want nothing more than to devour her completely.

I trail kisses down her neck, nipping gently at the tender skin there before moving my lips to explore the valley between her breasts. She gasps softly, arching her back off the bed in response to the sensation. I trace a line with my tongue between her breasts, making sure to flick it over her hardened nipples as I pass by.

Slowly, I pull away from her body long enough to slide my hands down her legs, exploring the softness of her thighs before working my way up to the juncture between her legs.

My lips follow suit, kissing every inch of her exposed flesh, tasting the sweetness of her skin. I lean down further to take one of her nipples in my mouth, sucking gently at first before teasing it with my tongue until she lets out a moan that vibrates through my entire being. Her scent fills my nostrils—a heady mix of jasmine and sex that intoxicates me even more.

Sliding my hand between us, I find and gently stroke her wetness. She's eager for me; I can feel it in every pant and moan that escapes from those full lips of hers. She's hungry for me, and I'm more than ready to give her what she needs.

Now that we’ve started there’s no way for me to stop. I delve my fingers deeper, twisting and teasing before finally finding their target: the hard nub that throbs against them. With a growl of hunger, I immerse myself in exploring her body with my tongue, tasting every inch that's offered to me. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced.

My cock throbs against her, still in my pants, awaiting release. The anticipation and the feel of Jasmine's body in my hands is almost enough to make me come undone.

"Karul," she whimpers, spurring the building desire within me.

"Are you ready?" I ask, my voice a strained grumble, as the arousal I feel for her continues its heady assault.

"Please," she whines, arching her dripping pussy into my hand.

I tease and rub, building the sensation until she’s hovering just on the precipice of release. She cries out in pleasure, the sound all at once too much and music to my ears.

With a swift movement, I free my throbbing cock and position it at her entrance. Slowly, I push inside of her, feeling the tight heat that surrounds me with each inch. We both gasp as our bodies adjust to each other's touch.

I feel her inner walls clenching around me, pulling me deeper into her with each thrust as I begin to move inside of her. Her eyes roll back in her head, her lips parting in a silent moan that sends shivers down my spine. Our hips sync together as we find a rhythm that's all our own, lost in the heat between us.

Every movement causes another delicious sound from Jasmine, making me want to please her even more. The smell of our sweat mingling together creates an intoxicating perfume that fills the air, heightening the senses of both of us.

Her nails dig into my shoulders as she climbs higher and higher toward her peak, her body arching off the bed like a bow as she cries out my name. "Oh gods, don't stop! Karul!"

I won't. I can't. Every thrust elicits another one of those moans from her, fueling the fire inside me until I can no longer hold back. My hips snap forward roughly, and I let go, filling her completely with my release. Heat courses through my body as I pulse deep inside of her. My face burns hot with embarrassment buried in her neck as Jasmine pants against me.

"I'm sorry,” I manage to stutter out, certain I've ruined the moment.

"Karul," she murmurs softly, her breath warm against my chest. "Please look at me." Her voice is so damn tender I could weep.

I lift my head, the shame burning in my eyes, to meet hers. What I find there is an image of kindness. She takes my face between her hands, pulling my head closer to hers, and tenderly presses her lips to mine. With a groan, I return the kiss. The sensation of her soft, warm mouth parting for me sends a wave of heat to my cock, still perfectly seated inside her.

Her eyes widen momentarily before she rocks her hips up into mine, making me gasp. A deep, primal groan rumbles from my chest as my hips thrust into hers, her warmth and tightness surrounding me like a second skin.
