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My heart stutters.

Role? What role?

Confusion knots inside me, twisting the barrage of worrying thoughts crossing my mind.

"What role?" I manage to ask. My voice is barely a whisper, but it echoes in the vastness of the lounge, bouncing off the high ceiling and the heavy drapes that shroud the windows.

He doesn't answer immediately. Instead, he circles me, footsteps silent on the plush carpet. I feel like prey under the scrutiny of a predator, though his gaze holds no malice—only an intensity that sets my pulse racing.

"Jasmine," he muses as if tasting the name on his lips.

The sound of my name on his lips sparks a primal nervousness that sends a cascade of goosebumps down my back. "In fact, you just might be the perfect thing." He looks at me curiously.

Confusion clouds my thoughts. What role could he possibly mean? A servant? An attendant? A pawn in some political game?

My brow furrows as I try to work out what he could possibly have planned for me after bidding so high. A shiver rolls through me.

His lips curl, cloaking his features behind a sinister smile. His eyes sweep down my body as he nods assertively.

"You, little doll, are going to be my new mate."



The girl is rather quiet as I bring her to her new home--a mansion fit for royalty, kept in secret from my family’s prying eyes. Tommus has already left, traveling ahead of us to prepare for our arrival.

“Aqura, why don’t you get yourself a drink while I show Jasmine around,” I say as a delighted Aqura makes his way towards my study.

He clearly doesn’t need to be told twice--the one thing he’s good for as I grasp for a moment alone with this beautiful creature. Of course, she’ll also need the rundown of what is to come. Her presentability will be a problem without proper guidance.

“Come, now,” I order her.

The way her eyes light up as she follows me through the mansion’s extensive halls brings me a sense of joy and pride I hadn’t anticipated. Backdrops of marble flooring and elegant fixtures against her still bare form highlights a luxury she’s clearly never experienced.

I lead her to a room--her room--hearing her choke on a stifled gasp as she takes in the elaborate bedroom. The mere space of it is probably something she's not accustomed to. It leads me to briefly wonder what her conditions must have been like back at the auction house.

She turns to face me. Her curvy breasts and perky nipples threaten to derail my resolve. I clamp down on the feeling, remembering her station as a human commodity, and clear my throat.

"We’re going to be getting married tonight," I say dryly, watching as her chest rises and falls. I'm drawn again to her curvaceous body and the way her breasts softly shift when she breathes.

Gods, I'm going to have to clothe her if I expect to get anything done.

Her brows rise all the way to her hairline as the shock running through her body appears to rattle the composure she's impressively held so far.

"So soon?" she stutters, looking at me with fear.

I peel my gaze from her perfectly curved body and take a step away from her.

"Yes. But once we are married, you will no longer be my slave. You will be my mate." I pause, giving her time to swallow the parameters of her new life.

"Okay," she says slowly. Her shimmering blue eyes take me in, and I get the feeling she’s seeing past my walls. It is as intriguing as it is unnerving.

I walk across the room, shaking off her stare." As I was saying, you are going to be my mate and will present us as such."

She nods in agreement.

"If you are obedient and do your job properly, I won't do anything to hurt you. We Must sleep together on our first night, however, to cover the basis of our marriage," I say this as directly as I can, though I can't deny the sliver of excitement that flickers to life within my loins.
