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“Eeny, meeny, miny, moe…”

My eyes travel across the bodies that grace the dance floor, each a little box of delight to be unwrapped and defiled.

…catch a whore by the toe.

I wonder which one I will have tonight? Of course, I have had them all before, and each brings their unique technique and specialties. I guess it’s a case of what I am in the mood for.

I lean back on the bar and drain my glass as the pleasure of the alcohol mixes with my desire. I watch as the human women eye me from the dance floor. I cut a fine figure with short platinum hair, a black shirt, a purple tunic, and pants.

I wear my pants tight. The ladies like it that way.

You see, I know the way things work. I can see behind the screen. Things don’t just happen—dark elves such as I make them happen.

“Any moment now…” I whisper.

“Sorry?” Aqura asks me.

Aqura is a friend, a typical elf of high-born status and low brain capacity. He likes to stick his cock in things, spend his father’s money, and cry at his mother's feet when anything goes wrong.

He’s not like me.

“Never worry, Aqura,” I tell him, “I was just…”

Then, the club doors burst open, not to my surprise, I must add.

“By the Mother, what’s all this about?” Aqura shouts as if he is somehow important enough to have any authority.

“Me,” I whisper, but no one hears. They aren’t meant to.

I watch my Father’s men as they stumble like idiots about the dark club looking for me.

“Oi, less of that!” One of the girls calls out as one of them can’t help himself in grabbing a feel of her perky, tiny tit. I laugh.

“Turn the lights on!” one of my father’s men shouts. And with a clang of a switch, his wish is granted. The club now goes silent. All their sins and secrets are exposed in the harsh light and frozen in time. Everyone wonders if the elves are looking for them.

But they aren’t.

“Karul!” He shouts again as his eyes spin around the room until they find and fix themselves on me.

I wave.

He plods over to me. It is Hittus, a heavy-handed dark elf with a good head on his shoulders and one not to rule out too quickly.

“Ah, Hittus, always a pleasure to see you. To what do I owe this honor?” I smile wide with my head slightly cocked to one side.

“Young Karul, I thought I would find you here,” Hittus says, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"You know me too well,” I reply.

“I have orders from your father to bring you home,” Hiatus tells me.

“Really?” I ask, ensuring my mask that hides my excitement is in place, “Has the family fallen? I only went out for the evening?” I joke with him.

He laughs at that. “I can assure you, young sir, the family can survive a night or two without you.”
