Page 82 of The Naughtier List

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In the meantime, I have User 706 to get to know a little bit better…

I make sure I look like a slut as I get ready to cab it to the park. Short skirt. Crappy tights. A crop top that’s so small it barely covers my bra, straining over my tits to show off my cleavage. High heels, scarlet lipstick, and my hair in a cascade of jet-black curls down my back.

“How do I look?”

I do a spin for Josh, pouting with a hand on my hip.

“Hot enough that I’m tempted to bind you up myself, hurl you into the bedroom and take his slot. How about it? I’ll pay you double what he’s offering.”

I roll my eyes. “I would pay you for that pleasure, numbskull.” I sigh and fan my face. “It’s so tempting, my love, but my fate has already been sealed.”

Josh chuckles. “You really are a good actor, you know? No wonder Daddy loves you so much. And User 007 or whatever his handle is.”

“Thanks for the compliment,” I tell him, “and it’s User 706.”

Josh tuts. “You even remember his number. Must be a memorable guy.”

“Stop trying to wind me up,” I say, “there’s only one memorable guy in my life, and he’s the sweetest, most gorgeous, incredible, amazing guy you’re ever likely to meet.”

Josh smirks. “You’ll have to introduce me sometime.”

I smirk right back. “Did I mention he’s got something special down below and boy does he know how to use it? And no one else could ever measure up to such an amazing package.”

“He does sound amazing,” Josh says, “I’ve been having some ideas of my own about this CNC malarkey.”

“Oh yeah?”


“You gonna tell?” The way he’s looking at me, green eyes scorching, is heating up my pussy.

His turn to roll his eyes. “Hardly gonna spill the beans and give you advanced warning, am I? You’ll just have to wait until it happens.”

His energy is bristling, low and deep, as though he’s looking at me through User 706’s eyes and not his own. Josh’s sexual vibe can change in seconds – that much is already clear – and I love that about him. What an amazing perk of being an experienced entertainer. Being able to change your own sexual energy in a heartbeat.

“You’re a bloody tease,” I tell him, “getting my panties all wet. Anyway, I’d better go,” I say as my pick-up time approaches. “I’ll see you in the morning. Don’t worry about waiting up for me. Seriously, I’ll be fine.”

“I know that. The Agency are shit hot on safety checks,” he says, stepping up to me. “But that makes no difference. You know full well I’ll be waiting up for you. I always will. Just promise me one thing, ok?”

I smile up at my gorgeous boyfriend. “Anything.”

“Promise me you’ll use your safe word if it comes to it. Don’t push yourself past your own limits for the sake of five stars. It’ll never be worth it.”

“I promise I’ll use the safe word if I need it, Josh. I won’t ever push it too far. No way.”

His eyes don’t move from mine. “You say that now like it’s nothing, but this is a hardcore game you’re walking into. If you freak out for real, scream the safe word, call it off and get the fuck out of there. I’m one text away. I’ll be right on over to get you.”

His stare is so genuine that it makes my heart pang.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Send me a done and safe message as soon as it’s through, remember. I’ll be waiting.”

“Sure will. D&S. I’ll send it right over.”

“Have fun, baby.”

“I will,” I say with a smile.
