Page 68 of The Naughtier List

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Fuck, how he hits me.

“Sorry, Daddy.”

Another one.

“SORRY!” I cry out, panting.

He does another two in quick succession, aiming his hand just right, and it hurts, oh God how it hurts, but I want it to. I want Daddy to punish me.

“If you’re going to act like a slut, Holly, you’re going to pay for it.”

“I know, Daddy. SORRY!”

I’m a trembling wreck as he carries on punishing my spread cunt, my clit hurting so bad it’s stinging like sin. The tears in my eyes are real, but I do as I’m told and no matter what, I keep myself open for him.

He’s panting himself when he stops.

I look down and see how pinked up I am, and my pussy lips are swollen, the dark bloom of the pain beautifully clear.

“You’re full up with his filthy cum,” Daddy says as he slides three fingers inside me. “I’m going to wash it out of you.”

My pussy hurts as he pulls me up from the sofa. He slaps my ass as he sends me upstairs ahead of him, then shoves me into the bathroom from behind. I stare on in shock as he sets the temperature of the shower to cold and switches it on.

“I’m not going to give you time to get undressed, Holly. You’ve been too naughty. Get in the shower, right now.”

I step in on shaking legs, trying to avoid the freezing jet of the water.

“Sit down,” he tells me. “Hitch yourself up. I need to wash you.”

“But Daddy, it’s going to be so cold!”

He looks me right in the eyes. “Do you want me to make you a clean girl again or not?”

It’s my choice, I can feel it. I’m tingling all over, and I can’t believe I really want this, but I do. I’m going to be scrubbed in cold water, and I want it. I want whatever Daddy wants to give his little girl.

I sit down in the shower tray and brace my back against the wall, and I spread my legs, exposing my sore, swollen cunt for him. He sprays me all over first, making me gasp for breath, the water icy cold, soaking my uniform and it’s horrible and good both at once, being treated like this. I look up at Daddy with his gorgeous salt and pepper hair over mahogany. His bright green eyes are beautiful as they hold onto mine, and his beard is immaculate, trimmed to perfection.

I remember oh so clearly why I got morning after syndrome after a night with him.

I’m back in the surreal dimension now, where I really am schoolgirl Holly, and I want to be. I want my beautiful Daddy to make his girl pure again.

He takes the shower head down from the stand and aims the water straight at my pussy, making me flinch and gasp.

“Spread,” he says, and I pull my pussy lips apart all over again, the cold water a surprising relief to the burn of punishment. I moan as he takes a flannel down from a shower hook behind him. He soaks it in the flow of the shower. It’s going to be so fucking cold, and I know where he’s going to use it. I can feel it.

He’s on his knees now, still suited, and getting wet himself in the shower along with me, but that doesn’t bother him as he begins to scrub my cunt. He’s rough, and it’s freezing, and I moan, but I don’t stop him.

“Daddy’s going to clean Scott’s disgusting mess out of you now, sweetheart,” he says, and I nod.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

“I’m going to scrub you out from the inside, and it might feel bad, but trust me, you need it.”

“I know, Daddy.”

He uses three fingers, wrapped up in the wet flannel, and it’s so fucking thick that I groan as he shoves it inside me. He twists his wet flannelled fingers in and out, nice and deep, and it’s freezing cold, but I love it.

“Please, Daddy,” I whimper. “Clean him out of me. I want him out of me.”
