Page 37 of The Naughtier List

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“You can let go now,” he tells me and I do, gasping as my pussy closes on his fingers instead of mine.

“Beautiful,” he says as he stretches me again. “Now clench for me. As hard as you can. Crush my fingers. I need to know what your pussy can take.”

“I’ll take anything you give me.”

He smirks, his expression dirty as fuck.

“Again, you’ve no idea what you’re asking for.”

I squeeze as hard as I can to close my pussy around his fingers, but it makes no difference. His fingers don’t budge. He’s too strong, and I’ve got no chance.

“Come on, Ella, do it. Fight against the stretch,” he says, and I grit my teeth, giving it more. Still he keeps me spread, looking so damn cocksure as he does it, in full control. “Have you any idea how fucking hot it is to see your cunt straining? Come on, give it some more for me. Harder.”

Oh, what a battle. I clench like crazy, trying to grip his fingers in a vice, but he won’t let me. I feel the wetness pouring out between my legs, and my pussy squelches as I fight him.

“That’s it,” he says. “Keep going. Tighter.”

“I can’t,” I tell him.

“Yes, you can, and I know it. Believe me, baby. You can’t fool me. Harder. Fight like you fucking mean it.”

At his words, my resilience notches up a gear. I raise myself onto my elbows, and brace my feet on the rug, and then I give it everything. I try to close my pussy, every muscle straining against his stretch, and when I’m grunting with the pressure, lost to everything but the clench, he moves like a snake, and switches to one hand – thrusting all four fingers in deep, right to the knuckles.

It’s so intense, I cry out.

“Don’t stop fighting,” he says. “Show me how tight your cunt is. Crush my fucking fingers, and grip them tight. Don’t let me fuck you with them.”

“Fucking hell, Josh!”

I’ve never been in such a battle like this before – his fingers trying to force their way into my pussy as I struggle against them. Even CNC play doesn’t come close. Josh goes deeper as I spit curses, and I’m clenching so hard, it hurts. I’m still fighting the stretch but I’m losing, my muscles clamping like we’re in an inverted fucked up game of tug of war. He’s forcing his way inside me like a beast as I grit my teeth. FUCK. Then his fingers… they move. Another snake move, so fucking slick. He hooks them. Right against the spot.

Oh. My. Holy. Fucking. God.

He grinds his fingertips against my G-spot and it sends me off the fucking scale. My moans are feral and only get louder as he brushes his thumb over my clit at the same time.

Five-stars mean nothing when it comes to Josh. This guy is the real deal. I get explosions behind my eyes as I come for him, bucking at the beautiful savagery. Because that’s what he is… a beautiful, filthy savage.

He doesn’t stop until it’s long done and over, his fingers still grinding in a frenzy. By the time he pulls out I’m floating high in the aftermath. Grinning in the heaven of pure adrenaline.

“No wonder you get such great reviews,” I say as the room spins.

“Same goes. Your pussy grips like a ferocious fucking flower, you know that?”

“Pelvic floor means nothing when it’s up against you. No one could fight against that.”

“You did a good job, at it. Ten stars from me.”

“Ten? Wow. Thanks.”

He lies down beside me and tips my face to his with his sopping wet fingers. His mouth tastes of my pussy when it lands on mine. My nerves are still fizzing when he snakes his hand back down between my legs. It makes me start and I grab hold of his wrist.

“Really? So soon?”

“I never go easy, remember,” he says, and kisses me again.

His fingers hook back inside my pussy, and I groan because it’s so tender. I’m not sure I can handle it after the fight.

“Hell, that’s so fucking intense…” I say, and he looks me right in the eyes.
