Page 199 of The Naughtier List

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I pull away to check she’s telling the truth, and she’s managing to smile, just a touch. She’s telling the truth.

Dad joins us, and pulls me to his side.

“Just not today, alright?” he says, and his chuckle is the greatest thing I’ve ever heard, even though it’s practically mute. “Your mum and I need to, uh, get our heads a bit clear first.”

“Thanks.” That’s all I can say. That and I love you which comes out in sobs.

I’m ready to go. I need to give them space, and I need to collapse for myself.

They nod as I go, struggling themselves.

I reach the door, and force a laugh.

“Want me to send Connor back up?”

“No,” Dad says. “I’d rather he rots in hell. We’ll be checking in somewhere else tonight.”

I guess my photos really did speak for themselves.

“I’ll book you a hotel in Belgravia,” I tell them. “Pack your cases and drop me a message when you’re ready. I’ll get a cab over.”

“We can get a cheap place,” Mum says, but I smile.

“You’ve seen my bank balance, haven’t you? A hotel in Belgravia, ok? You’ll be close by if you do decide to visit or meet up. I’ll blow you a goodnight kiss from my window.”

“We love you, sweetheart,” Mum says, and Dad actually bear hugs me, just like he always does.


So fragile.

But I feel it right then.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

It’s one hell of a feat to keep my cool as I approach Connor, sitting at the bar to the side of the hotel lobby. We’ve come from the opposite direction, and I love the horror on his face when he sees my smile, my hand clasped tight in Josh’s. I’m sure Josh was the very last person he expected to see here.

His sneer makes me want to puke, but I hold my smile.

“What the actual fuck, Ella? You chose that pimping prick over your parents? You’ve lost your fucking mind.” He slugs his beer. “I’ll take care of your mum and dad until you come to your senses, don’t worry.”

I prop my elbow on the bar next to him, up close and personal and I wait until his slimy eyes find mine. Eyes that I used to adore, go figure. All I see now is… delusion. A self-centred, deluded prick.

“I came to my senses a long time ago,” I tell him, “and you don’t need to take care of my parents, thanks. I’m doing it myself. They’re packing their cases. They’ll be staying in Belgravia, not Mayfair.”

He slams his beer on the counter. “What?!”

“They don’t want to see you again, and neither do I. I’m not joking either, so play it safe. You know my dad. He’s pretty pissed off right now and he’ll want to knock your lights out.” I manage a smirk. “You know what? I’m kinda glad you fucked me over by going through with your threat to call my parents. Any leverage you had is gone now. Over. So, fuck off and enjoy your career. I’m glad I’m not a part of it.”

“I did it because I love you…”

I shake my head at him. “Give it up, Romeo. The only person you love is yourself.”

He reaches for my hand but I yank it away.

“I mean it, Ells, let me take care of you. Let me show you–”

“You’re not listening,” Josh cuts in.
