Page 181 of The Naughtier List

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Josh drops to his knees, looking up at our client with his gorgeous green eyes before licking a path right the way up Heath’s dick. He sucks him into his mouth like an absolute pro, using his throat like he was born to take it.

I can’t tear my eyes away. My boyfriend is giving his throat to a pierced dick, staring up at Heath like he’s a dirty god, and I want a piece, too.

“Can I join in?” I ask, and Heath gestures me over.

“The more the merrier. I’m always happy to share.”

Turns out, so am I. I’d share Josh with this guy any day of the week. I’m going to be so jealous when they’re fucking without me – missing out on their hot action. Bodica can piss off. I want every double act I can get from now on.

Better start earning it…

Josh offers me Heath’s cock when I drop to my knees beside him. I take it slow, savouring the taste of every inch – still slick from my boyfriend’s spit. I tease his piercings, like I tease Josh’s. I know how to flick my tongue and catch the barbells with my teeth – just a little.

“You’ve done this before,” Heath says, with his head tipped back. “You know how to work a ladder. I bet your hot little pussy knows the same.”

“Sure does,” I say, and take him right to the back of my throat, sucking like a desperate bitch.

“Deeper,” Josh groans, and takes a fistful of my hair. “Show Heath how good you are. You can go way fucking deeper than that.”

I open my throat, and let Josh take over my actions – slamming my mouth onto Heath’s dick, and then holding me in position, my eyes watering as I struggle for breath. Fuck, he pushes me. He only releases me when I’m about to choke for real, but I remind myself that I’m a hardcorer. I merely suck in a few deep breaths with my tits heaving before I open my mouth wide for another go. Heath’s hand is in my hair along with Josh’s this time, both of them using leverage, faster and faster and fucking faster. I’m such a fuck doll, it’s a surreal delight.

My eyes are streaming when they let me take some more breaths, and I use the chance to smile at Josh.

“Your turn. Show me what you can do.”

“Is this a competition?”

“More like a cock sucking lesson. Show me what you’ve got, Josh.”


Holy fuck, how my boyfriend manages his own throat. He takes Heath right the way in, and I see his throat bob, but he doesn’t gag, just opens his mouth wide, jaw lolling beautifully so his spit dribbles free. I’m lost in the zone now, utterly consumed. I drop myself lower so I can catch the spit from Josh’s lips with my tongue, trying to kiss him as he sucks another man’s cock.

Heath lets us play, both of us sharing cock and kisses while he watches us. We get a damn good game underway before he’s moaning and clenching his thighs.

“Enough,” he says. “It’s my turn now.”

Josh gets to his feet, and it’s Heath on his knees next to me this time. Heath knows how to suck cock too, no doubt about that. He swirls his tongue around the head of Josh’s dick in just the way he likes it, and I smile. Yep. He knows my boyfriend well.

Josh takes a moment between sucks to kick his shoes off and drop his jeans. Then he tugs off his t-shirt and he’s naked. He’s a ripped Adonis, as always. I’m so proud to have a boyfriend like him. I’d love to tell Heath.

That man is my boyfriend, you know that? I get that hot fucking cock whenever I want it.

I watch my onscreen idol get face fucked as Josh rams his cock in deep. I see the Count’s eyes water as he gags like the rest of us, retching on veined flesh and barbells. So, I do what I did with Josh. I lean lower and lap the dribbling spit from Heath’s lip, moaning as I beg for more.

“Share,” I whisper. “Please, Heath, share.”

Josh gives us his cock one after the other, until we’re a whirlwind of mouths and tongues, with a thrusting dick between us.

“I’m gonna come soon,” Josh warns, and Heath breaks the contact.

“Not yet, we’ve only just begun.”

Josh laughs. “I know that, Heath. That’s why I’m warning you. Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty banked up, but we don’t want to shoot one off too soon, do we?”

“No, we definitely don’t. Too many goods on offer.”

“Yeah, so how about we show Holly what we’re capable of now? You wanted tight cunt, didn’t you?” Josh points me towards the bed. “Give Heath your cunt, Holly. Show him what a good choice I made.”
