Page 18 of The Naughtier List

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“Filthy panties on a filthy girl,” he sneers and drops his face to my crotch, lapping at me. I do feel like a filthy bitch as he pulls the lace away far enough to examine the dirty crotch. I know there must be stains on there. I know the scent must be ripe.

He breathes it in, and the pressure of his nose against my pussy is from Heaven above. He laps and sucks and takes advantage of my wet panties as I squirm. My body is on autopilot, writhing to his rhythm. It would be so easy to reach down and hold his head to me, bucking against his face as I came. But I wouldn’t do that to Mr Gregory. I daren’t. He’s the one in control here.

I let out a few moans, unable to resist the temptation.

“Shut up,” he says, and resumes squirming his tongue against my clit through the filthy lace.

“I can’t.” I let out another moan, gripping the desk tighter.

He pulls his face away and glares up at me. His lips are puffy from where he’s been grinding against sopping lace. “Shut the fuck up, or I’m going to have to make you.”

I look down at him. “I can’t. You’re going to make me come, and I’m going to squeal the place down.”

“There are still people on this fucking floor, you dirty bitch. You want the whole fucking office to know you’ve crawled in here on a quest for cock?”

I tip my head back, as though I’m resigned to it.

“I can’t shut up, Mr Gregory. I won’t be able to stay quiet.”

“Yeah? Really?” He gets to his feet. “We’ll see about that.”

My panties catch on my heels as he wrenches them down my legs. He curses like I’m the one at fault, so rough it hurts as he wipes my sopping pussy with the scrunched-up ball of dirty lace. His stare cuts through me as he holds the filthy white panties up.

“Good job there are more than one use for these,” he says, and presses himself on top of me. “Open your fucking mouth. You were happy enough to open it earlier, so show me how deep your slutty throat goes.”

I open wide, groaning and coughing as he stuffs the whole pair of panties in. He makes sure he jabs deep with his fingers, making me retch as they scrape the back of my throat. I’m ready to close my mouth and accept the gag, but he keeps his fingers in place.

“Keep your mouth open.”

He hooks his fingers in my cheeks, pulling them open so he can spit into my panty filled mouth. Then he digs the whole filthy mess around like it’s a slutty punishment.

“Now, shut the fuck up,” he says, and I nod, happily gagged by filth. I tip my head up and savour the taste, spreading my thighs as he slaps his cock against my slit. “Let’s see how tight your cunt is.”

I don’t have time to brace myself. He slams inside me in one, pinning me to the desk with vicious strength as he thrusts his cock in to the balls. Fuck, how my pussy sings.

I raise my legs and wrap them around his waist, urging him on – faster, deeper, MORE. But I don’t make a sound apart from a muffled moan, making the most of the gag he’s given me. I know I’m dribbling and drooling around it as my mouth waters. He laps the stream up with his tongue.

He shows no concern for hitting the right spot inside my pussy. He’s all out for himself.

“Cheap bitch,” he says, driving harder with his face in mine. “You were a naïve little cow to think you could play me. It’s me who has the power to make you come, not the other way around.”

Oh, another challenge. I clench my pussy with everything I’ve got, and he grits his teeth. I could milk him dry in seconds. I’ve already been building him up for a fucking age.

“Stop that,” he barks, but I moan like I can’t help myself, gripping his dick in a vice, clench after clench. “I said stop that,” he grunts, but I shake my head.

“I can’t,” I attempt to say through the muffled gag.

“Fine, then take what you’re fucking given.”

The switch to my ass is easy. He only has to shunt my legs a little bit higher and aim his cock head at my puckered target. I groan into the filthy lace as he plunges his way inside. Jesus Christ, it hurts, but I need an ass fucking. I’m bucking up at him like a cheap bitch as he works his cock all the way in. Fuck lube, I don’t need it. My pussy has given him enough.

I suck on the lace as he takes my ass, but we’re both lost when it comes to the silence rule. I’m dribbling and spluttering, and there’s the unmistakable slap of flesh against flesh at high impact.

“I’m not going to come in your fucking ass,” he hisses. “I’m going to come in your whore mouth, let’s make your cheeks bulge with those panties in them.”

He pulls his cock out of my ass so roughly that I clench my legs and scrabble instinctively, on the verge of spitting the panties out when he appears on the other side of the desk and takes my face in his hands.

“Don’t even think about it,” he says, and leans over me, his dirty cock raging hard. Oh God. He really is going to fuck my dirty panties into my throat with his filthy dick. This high-powered director is going to fuck his slutty intern’s dirty panties into her throat with a cock that’s just fucked her asshole.
