Page 158 of The Naughtier List

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“I miss being an entertainer,” Belle says. “But I don’t think Mark would like it all that much if I said I was going back on the books. He didn’t like sharing.”

Her friend Sasha nods along. “Same. But no, Frank wouldn’t like it, either. It’s a pain in the ass, but it would be a definite no-no. It would break his heart if he even thought I’d consider going back to it.”

Belle laughs to herself when Sasha says that, and reaches in her handbag for her phone.

“He would be playing this song if it happened, both him and Mark, they could sing it together!”

She’s scrolling for something, but Sasha is already laughing along with her.

“THAT song! Oh my God, yeah! You’ve heard it?”

Belle raises her eyebrows, still scrolling.

“Uh yeah, pretty sure everyone on the planet has by now though, haven’t they?”

Kingsley laughs as well. “People have been sending it to me every five minutes.”

I don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, staring blank, and so is Josh.

“What song?”

Tiff leans in, overhearing.

“A song? What?”

“It’s a song this guy wrote, about his ex being a hooker and breaking his heart. Went viral off the charts a few days ago. He was mega cut up about it. Amazing tune. Seriously.”

I get a shiver.


Please don’t let my intuition be right. Not this time.

I don’t even want to ask about it, let alone have her call up the song on her phone, just in case. Just in fucking case…

She keeps scrolling. Then speaks as she types.

“One in a thousand, it’s called. He’s gone off the scale. They reckon he’s landed a massive deal on the back of it already. People are posting everywhere, trying to find out who his hot hooker ex is.” She giggles. “I wondered if she’s an Agency girl, actually.”

Oh, for fuck’s sake. No.

She turns her phone around, and there he is. Connor. With his trusty guitar, and his melancholic rock voice, singing as though his heart has been shredded to pieces.

She was my one in a fucking thousand… the one in my fucking forever…

But I was just one of her thousand fucks, and nothing more.

I thought I was pissed off at wanker Mack, but that’s nothing compared to how the bile of rage surges up from my guts at the sight of that video. Fuck it, my cunt of an ex hasn’t just wrecked the food at Josh’s parents’ place for me now. He’s wrecked the food at the Mulberry for me, too.

Josh tries to stand up when I do, but I manage yet another be right back, baby, before I get up and leg it, managing to give him a squeeze on the shoulder as a token gesture of I’ll be fine. I don’t want him to have to see this shit from me. It’s cringe enough as it is.

Connor has millions of fucking views of that song. MILLIONS. And it’s a song about ME.

I’M the fucking hooker… and people want to know about it. About me. The hooker that broke his heart. Asshole. Fucking ASSHOLE.

Seems like I am making Connor’s career after all, aren’t I? How fucking ironic.

One in a thousand. Yeah, right. Sure I was. Fucking prick.
