Page 153 of The Naughtier List

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It won’t be for a while yet, though. No chance. I’ll need some recovery time. Again. Understatement.

Thank fuck I have my incredible boyfriend waiting back home to help me.

The word gratitude could never cover it. Josh is a saint… and he’s about to look after a dirty little sinner.

I know the proposal offered aftercare to get me home and comfortable, but I won’t need that. Josh is already waiting outside in the parking area when we pull up and I take my hood off. I double take in shock as I open the door, because I haven’t had so much as a chance to even find my phone yet, let alone message him a D&S.

He helps me to my feet, and holds up a hand to the nameless driver.

“Josh, how did you…” I begin.

“The time,” he says. “Six hours and thirty minutes back from the venue. I knew when you’d be due back here.”

“I could have called time out earlier.”

He smiles like I’m a goddess.

“I knew you wouldn’t. There was no way you’d have used your safe word, and I knew it.”

I wince as I take a step.

“Yeah, well maybe I should have. You have no idea how sliced up I am, seriously. I’m a fucking mess. The things they did to me. You wouldn’t believe it.”

He would, though. His smirk says it all.

My daze of a brain gets a grip of things, and it’s obvious.

I’m not the only person he’s met after a session with the founders. I’m likely not the first person he’ll be helping recuperate in the aftermath. He’s been here before, with Tiff getting out of the Bentley instead of me.

Josh looks at the ointment in my hand.

“I’ve heard rumours that might help an awful lot with internal burning.”

“Rumours, yeah.” I laugh. “I bet you have.”

“So, tell me, baby. Would you prefer to limp or be carried?” he asks.

“Normally, I’d say carried, but right now, at the thought of having any kind of pressure on my ass… I think I’ll limp a little, thanks. I’d appreciate an arm, though.”

“You’ve got it. Whatever you want. Just say the word.”

“I should have said the word about four hours ago if I had any damn sense in me. I must be insane.”

His eyes are alive under the nightlights as he helps me along towards the courtyard. I’m grateful for the gift of sight to the max after being hooded for so long.

“Did you enjoy it?” he asks.

Even now, in the hell of the comedown, I have to grin.

“Yeah. I loved it.”

He laughs and kisses my head.

“Then there’s nothing insane about it.”

“Let’s see if I’m still saying that in the morning.”

“Nah,” he says. “What counts is what you’ll be saying when another of their proposals comes through, and we both already know the answer to that.”
