Page 145 of The Naughtier List

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“I don’t expect the proposal to be delivered lightly, either. Please, Sir, let me serve.”

Holly is owning my psyche now, taking control.

“It’s Master here,” the voice says. “I’m in primary control, but you will serve us all equally.”

“Yes, Master. Thank you.”

“You have beautiful tits,” he says, his tone different. I gasp as he tugs at one of my nipples. “We’re all going to enjoy hurting them, and you’re going to enjoy it too, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Master.” I hope he can tell I’m smiling. “I’m going to enjoy it a lot.”

“Then let’s get started. And get those beautiful tits trussed up tight.”

“Thank you, Master.”

“Twine first,” he says to someone off to the side, and I take a breath. Twine can be so ruthless it almost cuts, and he doesn’t hold back as he binds me, one breast at a time, round and around before he ties them tight together. I feel them swelling, pulsing against the bonds. It feels good.

“Rope,” he says, and he repeats the process with the thicker binding. This time he wraps the rope up and around my neck and hoists my tits high. They are tied so tight they must already be reddening. Swelling with the pain. It makes me proud to think of the sight.

“Clamps,” he says to the person off to the side of him.

He takes hold of my nipples and stretches them, both at once. I arch into the tug, savouring the amazing feeling.

Then I flinch when he lets go and closes a clamp around each nipple at the same time.

He does it gently, but that only accentuates the bite. Crocodile clamps, the teeth pinching hard.

I hiss like a bitch when he taps them with his fingers.

“Your cunt can have some as well,” he says, “show me.”

I wonder how the hell I can show him when I’m teetering on my tiptoes with my ankles shackled. But two men arrive at my feet, warm hands, rough as they remove my ankle shackles and the connecting chain and whole lot goes clattering behind me. They take hold of my thighs and ass and lift me, opening my legs for him. My aching arms welcome the relief as the men take my weight and I can’t believe how horny this is, exposed and hooded with my tits on fire. Master is obviously looking at my pussy. I wonder how many men are here, staring at me.

I flinch when he touches me, tugging at my pussy lips, stretching them. My body melts at his touch and prickles erupt on my skin. My shuddering breaths are loud and so is my yelp when he attaches the first clamp. It stings like a bastard but he doesn’t pause. He fixes another clamp and another, and more. Six altogether, I think, three on each side, and I can feel the pull and the sting and the pain in my head morphing into lusty tingles. I want to tell him that it’s good, so good, but don’t get the chance. I can only groan out my pleasure when he rewards my subservience by rubbing his thick fingers up my slit.

Oh fuck, how it hurts so fucking nicely.

“You’re a wet girl, Holly.”

“It’s because I like it, Master.”

He pulls on the clamps and I yelp again. “These are going to hurt you really badly. You’re going to be wearing them for a long, long time.”

“That’s good, Master.”

He rubs me again, and my clit is so tender I moan. I want his fingers inside me, and I move my hips to urge him on.

“Desperate, aren’t you?” he says.

“Yes. I’m so desperate, Master. I want to give you everything.”

“Let’s see if that holds true.”

The men holding me ease my legs down and the shackles around my wrists tighten

He reaches around my neck and fastens my long hair into a makeshift bun, tucking it under my hood to leave my back on display, ready for a beating.

He steps away, and I hear a fresh set of footsteps approach from behind. Then comes the flick of a whip, and the holder swishes it through the air before it lands. Good strike. The first nasty lash is an excellent one, making me yelp and swing in my shackles. It must leave a lovely pink stripe in its wake, a pretty diagonal blaze between my shoulder blades.
