Page 125 of The Naughtier List

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“Relax,” he says. “You can take it. Trust us. We’ll make it feel so good.”

I don’t doubt that for a second. Jack grabs some lube from the dresser and lathers himself up slick, but I don’t care about lube. I just want him inside me.

Holy fuck, this has escalated like a firebomb. I’m still clothed in a satin dress and stilettos, with a stud of a guy still suited and booted underneath me, with nothing but his cock free – that’s how fucking desperate we are for the action. At least one of us is naked. I admire Jack’s ripped torso as he smirks at me, taking the heels of my stilettos in each hand.

“Ready for this?” he asks, grinding his cock against my slit. He catches my clit on purpose, making me gasp.

“You’d better try it and see, hadn’t you?” I sound so fucking cheeky. So dirty.

He doesn’t reply, just grins at me as he works his thick, fat cock inside my pussy while his boyfriend’s massive dick is plugging my ass.

And fuck if I don’t experience something new.

Something overwhelming.


Primal lust.

Grunting, as he works cock inside me.

Hot breaths on my neck from Eric as he holds me tight, squeezing my tits hard.

Gasps from me as the pain of the stretch morphs into pleasure and yes, it’s like we’re playing in a cloud of beautiful hazy lust.

This is desperation. Carnal desperation that knows no bounds. And these guys – the courteous Eric and Jack – are animals, needing to unload.

“Fuck me,” I hiss as they both hit balls deep. “Just fucking fuck me!”

Right now, Holly is nothing but two holes being used by two desperate cocks, slamming in sync, then alternating. Their balls must be mashing, and their breaths are quickening, and I’m crying out like a needy bitch as they reach their peak in unison. The thrill of hearing them losing control is enough to light up my dirty soul. I’m gritting my teeth and riding high as their balls empty inside me.

“Shit,” Jack says, collapsing on top of the pair of us, with his sweaty forehead on my shoulder. So much for his shower earlier. “Well, goodbye to the plan of action. That was well and truly off script.”

I laugh against his ear as Eric curses from underneath me.

“So, what was the plan of action?” I ask.

“To at least get a taste of your pussy before we blew our loads inside you,” Jack says. “We’re selfish bastards.”

“Nah,” I say, still rocking on a high. “You’re not selfish at all. That was a seriously hot double pounding.”

Jack raises himself. “Lovely sentiment, but I think it might be time to remedy it.”

“Yeah?” I ask, then moan as he moves his way down my body, peppering me with kisses all the way.

“Pull your dirty cock free, Eric,” Jack tells his boyfriend, and I wince as Eric hitches me up far enough that his dick thumps out of me. I feel the dribble of cum he’s left behind. I must be a mess of it. A sloppy mess of cum from both greedy holes.

Jack lowers his mouth between my legs, lapping his cum from my pussy and squirming his tongue around my clit – just a taster. He lowers himself further, and Eric groans underneath me as Jack turns his attention to his boyfriend’s dirty cock. Sure, I’ve douched myself clean, but still, it’s ass to mouth. One of the things I love most.

I hear Jack’s wet mouth sucking him hard again. And then dirty Jack is digging at my ass with the tip of his tongue, pleasuring us both. Sucking, lapping, teasing. Eric keeps me in place, hands kneading my tits and teasing my nipples and fuck, I’m moaning all over again, it feels so good.

I don’t care about how dirty Jack’s mouth is as he moves his attention back to my pussy, swirling his filthy tongue around my clit. His mouth is wet, with the kind of slickness that only comes from a lovely gooey load of cum, and he uses it well. He sucks my pussy with a dirty mouth full of cum, and I’m squirming in no time. I’m already so sensitive it’s hard to keep sane, and I need the release. I need it so bad.

I cry out as Jack breaks contact because I can’t stand it. I buck my hips, aching for his mouth, but he addresses his boyfriend, not me.

“Get back inside her, Eric. I want her full when she comes.”

Jack helps guide Eric’s cock back inside my ass – already swollen hard for another go. I clench my burning muscles around him, lolling my head back with a gasp as Jack shoves four fingers into my pussy and makes them squirm. Ah, more stretch… more lovely, lovely stretch.
