Page 12 of The Naughtier List

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Live your dreams. Straight from the motivational books.

Fuck it, why not listen?

“You going to take it?” Eb asks, and I nod.

“Yeah.” I laugh. “If they’ll let me have it, that is.”

She laughs back. “Oh, they’ll let you have it, don’t you worry. Richard would probably give it you for free, he wants to bump into you so bad.”

“Stop it!”

I take another look at the sprawling cityscape through the windows. I’d move into this place right now, without so much as a bed or a towel or anything, just to be in here, it’s so beautiful.

“Let him know,” Ebony says, gesturing to the front door. “He’s out there waiting. Tell him you want this one.”

I take a breath. “Ok. I will.”

Richard is on his phone when I step out to meet him, leaving the door ajar behind me. He puts it straight in his pocket.

“This is the one I want, please,” I say. “It’s perfect. It’s amazing.”

He puts his hand on my shoulder. “I’m glad we’ve been able to find you the perfect location, I know how much it can mean when a property jumps out like that, destined to be our home.”

Home. What a word for this place.

“I’ll get Rebecca right on it,” he says. “We’ll sign off the paperwork when we’re back at the office, if you like? When do you want the tenancy to start?”

“Today,” I laugh, thinking he’ll laugh back but he doesn’t. He tips his head from side to side. “Hmm. That might be a bit ambitious, but we could probably sign off mid next week. Get the weekend out of the way.”

“Really? Next week? You’re the best. Honestly.”

He grins as though I’ve given him a prize, and takes his phone back out. “Let me get on to Rebecca. Head down to the car when you’re ready.”


I wait until he’s at the elevator before I dash back into the apartment with my hands in the air. I do a happy dance in the kitchen as Eb cheers for me, spinning around like I’m a ballerina.

“It’s going to be mine!” I squeal. “Next week!”

Her mouth opens, and she glances around at the empty brilliance. “Jesus, Ells, that’s great, but what the fuck do you have to put in here? You’ve got no furniture in the shared house, have you? Nothing you’d want to bring?”

I’m grinning like a clown. “Nope. Not a thing. I have sweet fuck all.”

She clasps her hands together. “Hell yeah then, babe. Blank canvas. We’d better go shopping!”

“I can’t. I have a proposal this evening. Thank God for the pleasure of shopping online.”

“Damnit, Ells, you’re such a workaholic.” She raises an eyebrow. “Or a whore-aholic.”

“What can I say?” I smirk. “I love my job, and I have a whole apartment to furnish. I’ll happily be a whore-aholic to get this place just how I want it.”

“Alright, let’s get down to Richard,” Eb says. “Online shopping will have to do for now. Maybe we can browse together while we’re waiting for him to sort the tenancy.”

“Sure, just one more thing I have to do.”

“What’s that?”

I drag her through to the bedroom with me, and she’s laughing before I’m down on the floor, doubled up as I do a snow angel on the thick plush charcoal grey carpet.
