Page 117 of The Naughtier List

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“They’ll look even so better when your baby boy is sucking on them, but first of all, it’s going to be you. Get me ready for your son, Griff.”

I love the scratch of his beard as licks at my nipples, but I want more. Holly wants more.

“Latch,” I say. “Latch and suck on me, Griff. I need to learn.”

It’s clear he’s played this game before. His teeth clasp and he sucks in a noisy rhythm, locked onto my tit like he’s starving. He’ll make them sore in no time, but I don’t give a shit about that. I take hold of his head and encourage him.

“That’s it, suck hard. Feed on them.”

He slides his huge hand down between my legs, and I let his thumb take over the action on my clit. He’s rough, and grinds hard, but he’s not in the right spot, so it’s just a tease – a tease that drives me so frantic it has me wriggling. I love it when someone missing my clit skims so frustratingly. It drives me fucking wild.

Griff latches onto my other tit and I look down to see how red and swollen the nipple is he’s left behind. Fuck, it’s tender and the teeth marks are so close together. Gorgeous.

I want another round. I’ll be wanting fucking several, and I know it.

He moves back to kneel between my legs, his mouth still latched, and I feel the thump of his meaty cock against my thigh.

I moan for him. “Give me your cum, Griff. Fuck me deep.”

I try to urge him on top of me, but he won’t have it yet, just keeps grinding my slit with his thumb as he sucks like a beast on my nipple. This time he’s harder with his noisy sucks and swallows. I pant, but I don’t stop him. Suckling doesn’t show mercy, and neither does he.

When he does finally pull away from my tits, both nipples are a swollen, raw mess, but I’m smiling.

He moves down my body, and I sigh when I realise where he’s heading. I’m going to get his hungry, bearded mouth on my pussy.

“Just perfect,” he says and fuck how I groan when he ghosts a fingertip over my throbbing clit.

“Know what, angel?” he says, looking up at me with a filthy stare. “I’m gonna latch onto this pretty little thing, too.”

Oh fuck, this man is full of surprises. I don’t even get the chance to question him before he devours my clit, pinching my flesh with his teeth as he suckles on me. Holy shit, it’s intense, and I’m already wired up tight from his frustrating thumb strokes. His beard scratches my thighs as I fight the urge to clamp them shut, but I force myself to relax and take what I’m given. I put my fingers in his messy hair and whimper like the whore I am, and then I hitch myself, angling into his sucks until they get wetter, slurpier – so fucking good.

“I can’t wait to take your cum all the way inside me,” I say. “Fill me up deep and give me your fucking baby, Griff. But make me come first, like that… yes…”

My endorphins are flowing, and the pain and pleasure line is blurring. Griff grips my clit with his teeth again, tighter, but I keep rocking, and he sucks fucking harder. Harder. Harder.


Oh fuck, yes.

It hurts, but I want it…

My nipples are still throbbing along with my clit when I reach a crescendo. I’m thrashing, my fingers fisting in his hair at his sucks, and the rough bastard makes me come in his face with a stream of expletives.

“That’s my angel,” he says. “Horny girl.”

“Horny for your baby,” I tell him, “Fuck it into me, Griff, Do it!”

He doesn’t waste any time before he slams my legs up against my chest, and then forces his big, fat cock deep in one. Bastard. Horny fucking bastard who wants to fill me up with his baby-making seed.

“Tight girl,” he says. “Gotta loosen you up to shoot deep.”

My pussy squelches as he pumps his hips, and I urge him on. Harder, deeper, deeper. He’s as strong as he looks, his belly slapping against my raised thighs as he thrusts right to the balls.

“Put that fucking baby inside me,” I groan. “Give me your cum. I need your fucking cum, Griff.”

“Gonna fill you up good,” he tells me, slamming like a brute on steroids. “Gonna fill your fucking cunt, and knock you the fuck up with my kid.”

“Harder, then!” I yell. “Deeper!”
