Page 29 of Her Runaway Vacay

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This feels so non-Meg. So scary. But not wrong. “As long as it isn’t criminal or immoral. I’m in.” I hold out a hand, ready to shake on it. Ready to sell my summer week soul to this stupidly sexy local.

Kal slips his hand into mine, but instead of shaking, he yanks me close until my chest bumps his. I grunt with the hit and peer up at him—unsure if this is a yes or a no.

“Ever been for a midnight swim in the ocean?”

“It isn’t midnight,” I say.

He releases my hand, his warm fingers drifting up to my shoulders. “Close enough,” he says, before pulling the knot at the nape of my lavalava loose.



I leave all my inhibition behind and race Kal into the water. He’s left his clothing on the floor of the beach, without a care. And I’m following after him.

Constant electric currents are tapping into my sensory receptors, reminding me that this isn’t normal for Meg Miller. But I choose not to listen to them.

Cool water hits me like a wall, but I embrace that wall—I am Spontaneous Meg, after all. I wade through, my feet sinking into the ocean floor. I follow a diving Kal farther out, dipping down until my shoulders are covered and my skin adjusts to the cooler temperature. It doesn’t just adjust though—it takes it all in, it craves the water.

Kal’s head swoops up and out of the ocean, flipping his hair back, his chest glistening as if maybe he oiled it up just for this special, Spontaneous Meg occasion. He reminds me a little of a GQ model, and my stomach flips inside out—I ignore that flip-flop. I’m experiencing a lot of new things today…my stomach doesn’t know any better.

The sun sits low on the horizon, almost winked out of view completely. The sky grows dimmer and new stars find their way into the sky by the second. Sweet, cool water rushes over me and this teeny-weeny bikini of Autumn’s. I’m not even sure Spontaneous Meg would pick out such a suit. But at least I’m covered by waves and the dark water of the North Pacific.

I am free.

It’s not the half a glass of champagne talking. It’s being here, doing this. It’s choosing to be spontaneous and choosing to like it. My adrenaline doesn’t just pump, it comes to life, a new, vacation-filled life.

Spontaneous Meg has arrived.

Kal splashes a surge of water my way. “Careful S.M. that grin is pretty huge, it’ll swallow you whole. You may never be able to go back to real life.”

I just laugh. “What are we doing tomorrow?” I say, floating until I’m just two feet away from him.

“We could zipline?”

“Yes,” I say.

“Or I could teach you to surf—”

“Yes!” I am here for it—all of it.

“We could hike the Garden of the Gods.”


“We could learn to hula.”

“Let’s do that too.”

Kal laughs. “I’m starting to think I created a monster.”

I lift one bare shoulder, ignoring the fact that Autumn’s skimpy swimsuit doesn’t even have straps to help me feel a little more secure—but then, Spontaneous Meg maybe doesn’t care about things like straps.

“Which one?” Kal asks.

“All of it. Let’s do it all.”

I lie back, floating on my back and looking up at the night sky. It grows darker by the minute. My hands float out at my sides, and I listen…to the waves, to the distant noises of the reception crowd, to the muffled breeze passing by to say hello.
