Page 23 of His Mafia Captor

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"Enzo," he whispers as I close the distance between us, his voice rough with want. "Please..."

I silence him with a bruising kiss, my tongue delving deep, staking my claim. He moans into my mouth, his hands fisting in my hair, tugging me closer. I can feel the heat of his body through the thin fabric of his shirt, the pounding of his heart against my chest.

I want him naked. Want to see all of him, touch all of him, taste every inch of his golden skin. I tear at his clothes with desperate hands, buttons popping, fabric rending. He gasps as I bite down on his lower lip, soothing the sting with my tongue.

"Mine," I growl against his mouth, my hands roaming over his bare chest, his taut stomach. "You're mine, Luca. Say it."

"Yours," he pants, his head falling back as I latch onto the tender skin of his throat. "Always yours, Enzo. Only yours."

I lift him suddenly, his legs wrapping around my waist as I carry him to the bed. I toss him down onto the mattress, following him down, covering his body with mine. I grind my hips against his, our hard cocks sliding together through the fabric of our pants.

"Fuck," he chokes out, his nails digging into my shoulders. "Enzo, please. Need you inside me. Need to feel you, all of you."

I groan, my cock throbbing at his words. I sit back on my heels, tearing at the fastenings of his pants, yanking them down his legs along with his underwear. He's glorious in the candlelight, all smooth skin and lean muscle, his cock hard and leaking against his stomach.

I shed my own clothes quickly, desperately, needing to feel his skin against mine. I lower myself back down onto him, both of us moaning at the first press of naked flesh. I capture his mouth in another searing kiss, my hand reaching between us to wrap around his aching length.

He bucks into my touch, whimpering against my lips. I stroke him slowly, teasingly, reveling in the way he writhes beneath me. "Enzo," he gasps, his fingers scrabbling at my back. "Don't tease. Please, I need..."

"Shh," I soothe, nipping at his jaw. "I've got you, baby. Gonna take such good care of you."

I reach for the lube, slicking my fingers and circling his tight entrance. He tenses for a moment, then relaxes into the touch, his body opening for me like a flower. I work him slowly, gently, savoring every gasp and moan I pull from his kiss-swollen lips.

"Now, Enzo," he pleads when I'm three fingers deep, his voice wrecked. "I'm ready, fuck, I'm so ready for you."

I withdraw my fingers, lining myself up, the head of my cock nudging against his slick hole. I pause for a moment, my eyes locking with his, silently asking for permission, for trust.

He nods, his hands cupping my face, pulling me down into a tender kiss. "I love you," he breathes against my lips. "I trust you. I'm yours."

I groan, my heart swelling in my chest. And then I'm pushing forward, sinking into his tight heat inch by excruciating inch. We both cry out at the sensation, the stretch and burn and perfect fullness.

I still when I'm fully sheathed, giving him a moment to adjust. He's so tight around me, so scorchingly hot. It takes every ounce of my control not to just plow into him, take him hard and rough and claiming.

"Move," he grits out after a minute, his legs wrapping around my hips. "Fuck me, Enzo. Hard. Want to feel it tomorrow, want everyone to know I'm yours."

A possessive growl tears from my throat and I obey, pulling out almost all the way before slamming back in. He shouts his approval, his back arching off the bed, his fingers clawing at my back.

I set a punishing pace, pounding into him with deep, powerful strokes. The bed creaks beneath us, the headboard slamming against the wall with every thrust. Sweat slicks our skin, the air thick with the scent of sex and pheremones.

"So fucking good," I pant against his neck, my teeth scraping his skin. "So tight, so perfect. Never want to stop fucking you, want to stay buried inside you forever."

He moans brokenly, his head thrashing on the pillow, hands scrabbling at my sweat-slick back. "Yes," he chokes out. "Yours, Enzo. Always yours, only yours. Fuck!"

I change the angle of my hips, hitting that spot inside him that makes him see stars. He practically screams, his body clenching around me like a vice. "There!" he sobs. "Right there, Enzo, don't stop. Fuck, I'm close, I'm gonna..."

I reach between us, wrapping my fist around his dripping cock, stroking him in time with my thrusts. "Come for me," I command, my voice rough with strain. "Come on my cock, show me who you belong to."

His back bows like a drawn bow string, a hoarse cry tearing from his throat as he obeys, his release pulsing hot and wet over my fingers. I groan at the feel of him clenching around me, the rhythmic spasms milking my own climax from me.

I bury myself to the hilt, grinding into him as I empty myself deep inside, marking him, claiming him. "Luca!" I shout, spots dancing behind my eyelids as I spiral into ecstasy. "Fuck, I love you. I love you so much."

We collapse together, sweat-soaked and sated, sharing air in the scant space between our lips. I pepper his face with soft kisses, tasting the salt of tears and sweat on his skin.

"Ti amo," I rasp, pressing my forehead against his. "I love you, Luca. More than anything, more than life. You're my everything."

He smiles up at me, radiant and blissed out. "I love you too, Enzo. Forever and always. You're my heart, my home."

I kiss him again, slow and deep and tender, pouring every ounce of my devotion into it. And then I'm rolling us over, tucking him against my chest, savoring the warm weight of him in my arms.
