Page 11 of His Mafia Captor

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I close my eyes, my heart thundering in my chest. I've never opened up to anyone before, never bared my soul in all its battered, tarnished glory. But with Luca...I find myself wanting to. Wanting to lay myself bare, to let him see the man behind the monster.

"I was born into this life," I begin, the words spilling out of me like blood from a wound. "My father was a made man, a soldier in the Vitale crime family. He was killed when I was ten, gunned down in the street by a rival faction."

Luca makes a soft sound of sympathy, his hand sliding down to rest over my heart. I cover it with my own, drawing strength from his touch.

"After that, my uncle Dante took me in. Raised me to be his perfect little soldier, his weapon. He taught me how to fight, how to kill. How to bury my heart and become the thing that monsters fear."

I take a shuddering breath, the memories rising up like specters. "I was fifteen when I made my first hit. A rival capo, someone who'd crossed Dante. I put a bullet in his head and watched the light go out of his eyes. And I felt...nothing. No remorse, no guilt. Just a cold, empty satisfaction."

Luca's eyes are bright with unshed tears, his face a mask of sorrow. "Oh, Enzo. I'm so sorry. No child should have to go through that, to bear that kind of burden."

I shake my head, a bitter smile twisting my lips. "It's the only life I've ever known. The only thing I'm good at. Killing, destroying, crushing anything that gets in the way of the family. It's what I was made for."

Luca's grip on me tightens, his gaze fierce. "No. That's not true. You're more than just a killer, Enzo. More than just a tool for your uncle to use and discard. You have a choice, a chance to be something different."

I stare at him, my heart aching with a desperate, fragile hope. "And what's that? What could I possibly be, besides a monster in a suit?"

Luca leans in, his forehead pressing against mine. "Mine," he whispers, his breath ghosting over my lips. "You could be mine, Enzo. If you want to be."

I inhale sharply, my blood turning to fire in my veins. "Luca. Don't say things like that. You don't know what you're asking, what it would mean."

He pulls back slightly, his eyes blazing with determination and desire. "I know exactly what I'm asking. I'm asking you to leave the darkness behind and step into the light."

I make a low, desperate sound in the back of my throat. "It's not that simple. I can't just walk away from the life, from my family. They'd hunt me down, kill us both."

Luca smiles, a small, sad thing. "I know. I know it won't be easy, that we'll have to fight like hell to make it work. But I'm willing to fight, Enzo. For you, for this. For a chance at something real."

I stare at him, my heart pounding. He's offering me everything I've ever wanted, everything I never thought I could have. A life beyond the blood and the bullets, a love that could redeem even a monster like me.

It's terrifying. It's exhilarating. It's a risk I never thought I'd be brave enough to take.

But with Luca...I find myself wanting to try. To reach for the light, even if it means getting burned.

Slowly, tentatively, I lean in. Luca meets me halfway, his lips soft and warm against mine. It's a gentle thing, almost chaste. But it feels like a revelation, like a benediction.

Like coming home.

The kiss deepens, grows heated. Luca's hands fist in my hair, his body pressing closer. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him flush against me. The pain in my shoulder is a distant thing, drowned out by the pleasure singing through my veins.

Clothes are shed, tossed aside with fumbling hands and breathless laughter. I push Luca down onto the bed, my eyes devouring the sight of him laid out before me. He's a feast for the senses, all olive skin and lean muscle, a work of art begging to be touched.

I crawl over him, my body covering his like a second skin. He arches up into me, his hands clutching at my shoulders, his breath hot against my neck. I can feel the racing of his heart, the trembling of his flesh. It's intoxicating, knowing that I have this effect on him. That I can reduce this strong, brave man to a quivering mess with just a touch.

I take my time exploring him, mapping the contours of his body with lips and teeth and tongue. I taste the salt of his skin, the musk of his arousal. I leave a trail of marks in my wake, bruises and bites that stake my claim on his flesh.

He's mine now. And I'll be damned if I let anyone take him from me.

I work my way down his body, my mouth hot and hungry on his skin. I take him into my hand, into my mouth, reveling in the way he bucks and writhes beneath me. I've never been one for tenderness, for gentle lovemaking. In my world, sex is just another weapon, another way to dominate and control.

But with Luca...I find myself wanting to worship him. To take him apart piece by piece, to wring every last drop of pleasure from his body. To make him feel cherished, adored, like the precious thing he is.

I slick my fingers with lube, teasing his entrance with feather-light touches. He gasps and tenses, his body clenching around me. I stroke him through it, murmuring words of praise and encouragement.

"Relax, amore mio. Let me in. Let me make you feel good."

He does, his body opening to me like a flower to the sun. I work him open slowly, carefully, taking my time to prepare him. It's a heady thing, the trust he's placing in me. The knowledge that he's giving himself over to me completely, body and soul.

When he's ready, I line myself up and push inside, a slow, relentless slide that has us both groaning in ecstasy. He's tight and hot around me, his body gripping me like a vise. I have to grit my teeth against the urge to just take, to claim him with brutal force.
