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Oh my god.

Stylz drops to one knee there on the rocky lookout point. "Delilah Delgado, will you make me the luckiest mountain man alive and marry me?”

I drop down to meet Stylz at his level, cradling his face in my hands as I lean in to kiss him deeply, pouring every ounce of love and devotion and blazing need into that embrace. When we finally part, breathless and flushed, my answer is simple.

"Of course I will."

And with that vow hanging in the crystalline mountain air, we tumble back onto the sun-drenched rocks, shedding clothes and inhibitions alike as we give into that feral temptation. Our joining is wild, uninhibited, fueled by the knowledge that life's greatest adventures have only just begun.

Afterward, I lay in the shelter of Stylz's arms, my fingers tracing idle patterns across the tanned, muscular expanse of his chest as I gaze up at him with a tender smile.

"What?" he asks.

I shake my head, marveling at the unexpected twist my life has taken. "Just thinking about how this all started. If I hadn't allowed myself to get swept up in the heat of the moment with you..."

His fingers gently tilt my chin until I meet that piercing green stare. "I would have found a way to you no matter what, Delilah. You and I..." He pauses, seeming to savor the weight of his next words. "We're written in the stars, baby. Inevitable as the tides or the turning of the seasons."

His words pierce me with their raw, unvarnished truth—because I've felt it too, that profound sense of rightness, of finding my way home to a place I never knew existed.

So rather than deflecting with another teasing quip, I simply lean up to brush my lips against his once more, savoring the taste of the man who'd upended my world and shown me a love deeper, more vital, more wildly passionate than anything I'd ever dared dream.
