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"Happy now, mountain man?" she husks, giving me a slow once-over that has heat lancing straight to my groin.

"Getting there," I rumble, letting my hands drop to my belt buckle. "But you’re not done yet.”

She bites that full lower lip hard, desire blazing bright in her eyes. For a long beat, we simply stare each other down in a heated clash of wills, both daring the other to blink first.

Then Delilah gives a breathless laugh and reaches behind her back once more. "Yes, sir," she purrs, popping the clasp of her bra with a wink.

I don't know whether to groan or combust on the spot as she strips off the last shred of lace, leaving herself gloriously, devastatingly bare before me.

What I do know? This woman will be the absolute death of me.

But what a way to go.

"Touch yourself," I command, my voice low and rough as I begin to unbutton my shirt.

Delilah hesitates for a moment, but then her hands are moving, tracing the swell of her breasts as she watches me with hooded eyes. Her fingers find her nipples, teasing and tweaking until they're hard peaks. My cock throbs in response, desperate to be buried deep inside her.

But I hold back, focusing instead on the way her hand drifts lower, over the soft curve of her stomach and down to the apex of her thighs. She spreads her legs slightly, giving me a tantalizing view as she circles her clit with one finger.

"Fuck," I hiss, my own hand dropping to my pants to free my throbbing erection.

Her eyes never leave mine as she leans back against the counter, propping one leg up on the edge so I can see every inch of her glistening pussy. The sight of her touching herself, two fingers pumping slowly in and out, has me groaning with need. I stroke my cock harder, precum beading at the tip.

I step closer to her, close enough that our bodies are almost touching. She licks her lips in anticipation, and I can't resist the urge to smear my precum across them, watching her tongue dart out to taste it. The way she moans sends a jolt of pleasure straight to my cock, and I know I won't be able to hold back much longer.

My hand joins hers between her legs. We move in unison, fucking her with our fingers as she writhes against the counter. Her other hand finds my cock, stroking me in time with our movements.

"Yes," she gasps, her head falling back against the mirror. "God, yes."

I can feel her walls tightening around our fingers, her breath coming faster and shallower.

"Come for me," I growl, my voice low and rough. "I want to feel you come all over our fingers."

She lets out a cry as her orgasm crashes through her, her body shuddering against mine. I keep moving my fingers inside her, drawing out her pleasure as she rides wave after wave of ecstasy.

But I'm not done yet. I need to be inside her, need to feel her wrapped around me as I come.

I pull my fingers out of her, bringing them to my mouth to taste her sweetness. Her eyes darken with desire as she watches me, and I know she wants more, too.

"Fuck me," she begs, her voice hoarse and desperate. "Please, Stylz."

I don't need to be told twice. I lift her up onto the counter, spreading her legs wide as I line myself up at her entrance. With one thrust, I'm buried deep inside her, the sensation of her tight heat surrounding me almost too much to bear.

She wraps her legs around my waist, pulling me deeper into her as I begin to move inside her. The sound of our bodies slapping together fills the small bathroom, mixing with the distant thumping of the club music beyond the door.

I can feel her tight pussy gripping me, milking me as I thrust in and out of her. Her moans fill my ears, driving me wild with need. I lean down to capture her mouth with mine, our tongues tangling together as we fuck.

But I want more.

I pull out of her and spin her around so she's facing the mirror. She watches me in the reflection as I position myself behind her. I grip her hips tightly, pulling her ass back against me as I slide into her once again.

The sight of us together in the mirror is incredible. Her body is flushed and sweaty, and her hair is a wild mess around her face. And the way she's looking at me, like she can't get enough, only makes me want to give her more.

I begin to move faster, harder, my hips slamming into hers as I take her from behind. She meets each thrust with a moan, her hands gripping the edge of the counter as she watches us in the mirror, her tits bouncing, her lips parted in ecstasy. I can feel my orgasm building, my balls tightening as I get closer and closer to the edge.

But I want her to come with me, want us to lose ourselves in each other completely.

"Touch yourself," I tell her again, my voice strained. "Come with me, Delilah."
