Page 99 of The Sins that Ruin

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He smiles and strokes his fingers against my cheek. “How? Baby Red. I think both no and please means more, keep going. Am I right?”

Shit, shit, he’s right. I don’t want him to stop. I do, but I don’t, and I don’t think I’m at a limit. And that scares the hell out of me.

“I think the question is do you trust me? With all this?”

“Hard to say since you were willing to give me to those men.”

He leans in even closer. I can smell that heady, seductive scent of him. It dismantles parts of me. Parts I’m only becoming aware of. “Do you think I’d let any other man touch you?”


The word comes fast, and it hangs in the heavy air between us, the truth of it spreading through me like a warm fire in a hearth.

“I’m not even sure I’d want a man to touch you if we arranged a threesome.”

“A woman?”

He laughs. “Not even then. But… that’s not what you’re asking, is it? You mean me.” He pauses. “If I wanted another woman, I’d have one. End of fucking story.”

“Please, Sir.”

Malone rises, the light catching his blond hair and again, he takes my breath away.

The tip of the whip trails over me, just touching, a tease, and it’s both chaos and controlled.

And it turns me inside out, naked, for him. Then he lifts it and I wait, tensing for the blow.

Instead, his fingers… no, not his fingers, something else… a dildo? He’s blocking my view of the other couch, so I don’t know what he has assembled to use on me.

He shoves it in me, a curved piece that slides into me, snug and tight. It’s not as big as his cock, doesn’t feel as good, as fulfilling. But it’s not just in me, it’s on my clit.

Suddenly, it bursts into vibrate mode, sucking life from my most sensitive spot, and I scream. “It’s too much!”

An orgasm sweeps in. A whirlwind, there and gone, leaving me overly sensitive. It thrums inside me, sucking and buzzing on my clit like it’s trying to build me up again.

“Too much, please, please, Malone,” I whimper. “Please stop it.”

He studies me. “No.”

And he raises his other arm, and the whip comes whistling down, stinging a bite over the flesh of my ass. I scream again.

He keeps doing it, striking my back, my ass, my upper thighs, each one a new lesson in pain. Each one edges the vibrator that’s pouring both pleasure and the borderline of too much on me.

At this point, I don’t know if I’m coming or if I’m losing my goddamn mind.

“Such a perfect little sub. Taking it like a good girl.” He brings that whip down once more and I explode on the vibrator, coming so hard, my eyes roll. Waves and waves of unbridled ecstasy wash over me.

I don’t even know what to call what’s happening to me. It transcends pain. Transcends the pleasure. Every throb of orgasm spins my mind and body out, and each slice of the whip brings it right back down to a pinpoint.

It’s so fine, then it expands to the point where I’m all and nothing, lost and found in the space between atoms. His whip is pure him. It strokes and brings me to new places each time, and someone’s moaning and crying all at once. And it’s me.

It’s me.

There’s no room for breath, no room for anything. I’m just quivering, alternating between emotion and sensation. It’s bright swirling colors, it’s the heat of Malone, his touch, his whip, his orgasms he’s pouring on me, the scent of him. All of it. In me. Around me.

Crushing me, choking me in the most erotic way imaginable.

I’m convulsing and shaking, and I can’t take anymore. I’ve come and come, and now it’s a symphony so loud, so overwhelming I can’t… I can’t…
