Page 96 of The Sins that Ruin

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She tries to pull free, but I don’t let her.

“Scarlett? Give me your mouth.”

“You have my legs.”

She’s not wrong. So I hold them and climb on her, pinning her back against the seat. I have to curl into her. I stroke her hair and lean her head back and she stares up at me, her eyes still full of glittering fire, but there’s passion there, too. Unwanted, but it’s there.

“Tell me to let you go, Scarlett,” I say, mouth a bare inch from hers, “and I will.”

She doesn’t say a word. My sweet, fuckable, spiky Scarlett. I lean in and brush her mouth with mine.

Scarlett sighs, a soft little sound on the edge of heartbreak and desire. And I start to pull back, but her eyes flutter open and she looks at me, those golden-amber eyes still shimmering, but this time it’s not tears.

It’s a complicated want I can see in the depths, one she’s trying to work out. “Please…”

The shift in her voice hooks the Dom in me.

That special place that goes beyond the normal desire to dominate, and down into what we are. Like something new.

“Please what?”

Her lips press together. “Can’t you just…?”

“Kiss you?”


“What do you say?”

She’s silent a long, stretched-out moment. “You told me to tell you if I didn’t want to kiss you. And now you want me to say it? Do you want blood? Flesh? A piece of my soul?”

My dick twitches.

I slide my hands back through her hair, pinning her head to the back of the leather seat.

“All of it. Whatever I can get, Scarlett.”

She’s not going to ask, even though she already does with her eyes. Instead, she curls her fingers into my lapel and pulls me into her.

I let her.

And our mouths meet. The kiss starts slow, but it explodes into flame and hot need. It’s a melding of mouths and dueling tongues, and I can taste the throbbing want in her, along with the rum and the subtle spice on her lips. The one that tastes sweet and of dreams and dirty, filthy things. I dreamed about that taste last night.

Fuck, I want her more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my life.

She’s hot and wet, and right now, she’s mine. It’s enough.

I lift my head because I want to sink my teeth into her throat when I realize we’ve stopped.

At JM’s home.

“Let’s take this shit inside, Scarlett. Because I’m not done with you. Not by a long shot.”

Her anger has morphed into a violent need that fuels mine. All I can think of is tigers circling each other, unsure whether to mate or go in for the kill.

It’s like mainlining adrenaline.
